a different approach- becoming human again

After countless disappointments in the Magistrates Court of Cape Town and very lengthy High Court procedures where I strongly feel that I have been treated with undue prejudice and vehemently oppose such prejudice, I am advised by counsel to take a different approach which is in process.

Finally my police clearance has arrived and the authorities have all my bank records to verify that I never had any money for over 15 years to pay for expungement.This is how it is and has always been. Nor is there any income derived from any alleged property as stated on my credit record which is clearly falsified by the credit bureau

What is clear is that the government of South Africa is scared to admit that it has terrorized me for no reason other than it has been caught hacking my personal email accounts for over 10 years in an attempt to make Zuma’s statements prophecy- and they have failed. You see Zuma fantasized about being King Solomon with  many wives, and great wealth, except King Solomon was noted for his wisdom and intelligence and he definitely did not amass any aeroplanes at the expense of his nation.King Solomon was respected. Jacob Zuma is nothing more than a charlatan who has robbed South Africans for years and delivered empty promise after empty promise because he is and was always a buffoon.


Meanwhile, I gave myself a present by registering myself a business on January 3,2018 this year.

Feeling so despondent after years of economic and social abuse by all and sundry,I decided I needed some fun in my life and was divinely inspired to design a fun knitted product which has sold very well and which pleases me.

My first knitted garment was in 2006+- after my myomectomy- not able to move much, I bought loads of colourful chunky Gold wool from a hobby shop in Tableview and set about knitting myself a sweater.

I did not much like the sweater and later ripped it apart to use the same wool for knitted scarves which I sold across the city of Cape Town.

When I met Ricus, his first reaction was- what’s this  girl doing knitting ? And he told me that he wants to see me doing something better with my life.i.e : Using my brains .

Once I began collecting all my evidence towards winning my legal cases, I became so disgusted at the abuse of my legal rights, that my disgust permeated the entire flat and into our relationship.

Ricus tried his best always to be helpful and supportive and regularly brought in great music into the flat to relax me. But the matters were terribly distressing for me and not yet resolved as I have not won them in Court

Now I am back with the knitting because it’s excellent for relaxing me, keeps me focused, is excellent for brain development and I am inspired to knit things I never knew I could do. Ricus is also amazed at what I am producing at the moment.

The new modern yarns are amazing with advanced technology.

I just knitted a snood in a wonderful burgundy cotton that has the feel of wool.

My business is registered as a clothing and textile company and at the moment I am just developing some products on the clothing side and I just found some interesting and helpful legal facts to help my cases .

Many thanks to the Jewish Communities all over the world for financial assistance and some greater understanding in my matters as well as the South African Police Services, SARS, some incredibly warm Rabbis and my gracious attorney who is finally getting a wind of what we need to do.

I have a full receipt book of sales to a variety of wonderful clients all over Cape Town – more orders are very welcome accompanied with a deposit to cover cost of materials and Investors willing to invest R5000 a piece with a written contract with me are welcome and we will discuss the percentage return you receive in person or merchandise to the same value- the choice is yours.






It would really be awesome were 4 investors or more to invest in me simultaneously so that greater achievements could be accomplished in a shorter time period!

All those that bless me by purchasing from me are blessed in return.

Prices range from R150.00 through to R1000.00 per item and include toddler blankets, adult blankets, ladies accessories and clothing as well as some gents’ items in the pipeline.Product development is progressive.

All my law cases are sitting at the South African Authorities in order to negotiate my monetary settlements and way forward and all the hackers in my accounts have been handed over to the SAPS in Cape Town to be shut down.

My facebook account has been deactivated due to the hackers extortion of people which has been blamed on me unduly and due to sensitive legal material reserved for the courts.

facebook profile new april2018



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