May my mother’s memory be a blessing forever

On November 2018, I was alerted to contact Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town because my mother was reportedly very ill.

Having not seen her or spoken to her in ten years due to personal misunderstandings, I raced to the Hospital only to find that she had already passed.

It was a terribly upsetting day and weeks thereafter.

I was afforded three opportunities to enter my mother’s flat and take whatever moveable papers/photos/ memorabilia etc that I wanted which I did.

It took me a while going through her things and finding that she had kept all her photos of me, all her letters that I sent her from abroad and even my baby blanket that she had crocheted for me as a toddler.

It was devastating. So many years I had spent thinking she hated me when it was so obvious that the opposite was true.

In 2012 I had opened a protection order against my mother after experiencing certain occurences which I had experienced with my mother.

My mother signed an affadavit that was much to my detriment, pain and suffering for many many years thereafter.

Going through her papers and the wonderful letters she received from my very classy grandmother, I realised why she had been so bitter towards me in the affidavit.

It is clear that she believed that I supported her sister against her and as such, since I supported her sister- she decided to behave towards me like her sister.

Amongst her papers, I found a bundle of papers which prove categorically show that her sister bullied her , defrauded her , myself and my brothers of a fortune of money.

The Masters’ Office was never presented with these crucial papers which were part and parcel of my Grandfather’s bequest to myself and my brothers. And where no letters of authority exist granting my mother’s sister to sign on anyone’s behalf other than herself.

It is very clear to me today that my side of the family was deliberately isolated by Michael Sank and his colleagues, so that the intelligent side of the family would lose to the idiots.And this has rippled into many many social spheres for the last 40 years.

Years later, we see that her sister bullied her husband into his death bed and attempted to lure the entire Jewish population against me to bully me for years by Paul Berman, his wife Suzanne and her brother because of their competition to be the most wealthy of all Cape Townians.

The reason this occurred is because our inheritance was held at Standard Bank which is where Pick n Pay banks and as such the Ackerman family were privvy to the knowledge of my Grandfather’s wealth. As a result, the Ackerman family and Suzanne in particular have been determined to destroy me as a Royal heir and my happiness.

They placed me at Lufthansa where they had someone else do their dirty work and bully me in the workplace,Then they got the advocates and lawyers to continue the bullying and finally they have the courts who did the bullying. Even JP Smith has become a bully monitored by the Supreme Court of Appeals.

This week we find disclosed that Cyril Ramaphosa’s CR17 project which was supposed to beat corruption has been entirely corrupted, with a senile Raymond Ackerman (age88) being scammed of R1 million rands. Nicky Oppenheimer(age74) apparently contributed R10 million – whether he trusted his lawyer to sign it away or whether he knew what he was signing are questions to ask since Ramaphosa has been extremely devious in his refusal to cooperate with the Public Protector’s wish for transparency.

donors to CR17 REVEALED

Today I open the newspaper to find Epstein dead in the USA after he was badly beaten up two weeks ago.Irrespective of the charges laid against him, it was not the decision of the wardens or the inmates to allow him to be beaten to death and he should have been put into isolation after the beating of two weeks ago.

epstein death

As you can see, this form of bullying, extortion  has reached way beyond normal or civilised proportions and should be stopped immediately.

The desperation for success is no justification for law breaking and civil unrest. And I can tell you that I entirely despise my mother’s sister , Maureen and anyone who behaves like her.

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