Ever heard of Covid19?

Ever heard of Covid19?

Thanks to Sheryl Sandberg of Facebook, the entire Private sector has been ravaged by activists who have done nothing but interrupt business and create havoc.

So now we have Covid19 with everybody reeling in shock as a result of that ignorant crazy bitch, stuck in Disneyland, who doesn’t give a fuck about what she did.

In fact instead of compensating me for her fraud and theft, Sheryl Sandberg along with Hazel Levin ,the idiot ,decided to downgrade me and pressurise me to sell during Covid19.

That’s because all the money they received on my behalf, they dished out to their friends in the Hebrew Order of David and I never received a rand of it..Because I am not HOD and never was.

Everybody has had enough of the lies and cover ups of the Jewish Board of Guardians in America and Cape town , whose deceit has enriched the fraud of Lufthansa Airlines for over 20 years, via Marco Van Embden’s travel agency in Cape Town and all the 209.85 spam rubbish propogated by Van Embden’s clients which include Government officials.

Standard Bank and Liberty Life are directly involved in this extortion of the entire Jewish private sector to pay for air tickets even during Covid19 where there has been no flying.

The countless number of unlawful evictions used to cover up the extortion of property “donated” to the travel industry and Herzliya School as Van Embden’s “charitable works” and the countless incarcerations of young men in their prime by these disgraceful frauds who want “to teach everybody” a lesson in life.

Pay offs to Magistrates and police and lies to the munipality kept this going for over 20 years in Cape Town.

Most of the brothels are involved at St George’s Cathedral ,Adderley Street, while Van Embden is heavily involved at Hebrew Order of David.

And the Jewish Rabbis all spent plenty money on travel tickets to Israel and America and London at Van Embden and Singers and then bought shares in airlines to recoup their expenditure

Much of it also concerns the competitions between small millionaires wishing to be listed on Forbes and Bloomberg’s billionaire listings who lied to the top billionaires about being partnered with non existent agreements and declared assets which they did not/do not own and resultant sabotage from all these “competitions”.

It is no small wonder that those who sabotage are forced to pay shut up and blackmail money and will never get anywhere in life.

Van Embden’s scams are far reaching into all aspects of the South African Government’s failure/refusal to take a hard line against crime in South Africa.

As a result of van Embdens involvement in City Council, the Jewish Board of Guardians and the Gardens Synogogue where Hebrew Order of David members have been employed by Van Embdens, almost he entire City of Cape Town is under investigation

The state Judiciary has used their Covid19 time to go through all the financial records of each state employee, all advocates and lawyers, weeding out the rubbish.

In my particular case, it was discovered that various Cape Magistrates were paid by several persons to evict me 8 times on the streets, were those persons are currently used as paid informers to the state.They include:

Gareth Litherland,Justin Hodges,Hector Van Der Walt, Duquesne the whore, Roswitha Becker, Alex woerz(of TakeALot), Solitaire Hayes,Derek Antonio Sierra, Fiona Cloete, Lisa Van Wyk , and many many more.

These Magistrates will all be assett forfeited and dismissed.

The above case I opened after my mobile phone was stolen and held at the Fountain Hotel, Adderley Street, Cape town.

They refused to return my phone and Constable Mapotala closed the case as he preferred to take bribe money to shut the case down.

It appears various persons have been imitating Michelle Berk, of Hermes and have been using local hotels as brothels to call girls and running competitions to see which whorehouse is the most successful.

The above matter was referred to Buitenkant street and Warrant Officer Share (of Somerset West-Lufthansa fraud district), refused to open the case

He much preferred that somebody would continue to defraud my name by extorting money for hotels.

This is the calibre of “security” in Cape Town .Fraud and corruption in the lower eschelons of society which adversely affects the safety and prosperity of all

If you are old enough to do the crime, then you are old enough to do the time in Pollsmoor Prison.

Ever heard of get off your fat asses and do some work for a change ?

Another organisation working with fraud government officials is” the secret love project” which also aims solely at harassing the private sector for money.

Ever heard of Covid19, assholes?

Go ask those fraud moffies in government for money and leave us private sector to do what we have to do

You will get no progress report

you will get no visitation rights.

You can join Roswitha Becker in jail and don’t expect me to visit any of you ignorant cows


  • no Flying.
  • No International travel
  • Relationship rehab.
  • Connect with friends
  • Connect with family.
  • Mend those fences.
  • Do the job you get paid to do.
  • Mind your own business.
  • Develop that hobby
  • Develop that business.
  • Do a reality check
  • Put the fantasies away.
  • Find a routine that works for you.
  • Everybody is different.
  • Pressurizing for sales won’t get you further.
  • The private sector is the same everywhere.
  • Invest in yourself
  • I would never even consider a job offer from anybody who stole money from me and refused to compensate me.
  • Nor will you ever be employed by myself and my companies irrespective of how much stolen money is sitting in your bank accounts.
  • Nor will any of you fraud fuck ups be given any opportunity to buy any of my companies.

Michelle Ment

WhiteSlash Pty Ltd


Private Enterprise

Developing Luxury Brands for adults and children since 2009.

Cape Town, South Africa.

Thank you to my real investors.