When Enough is ENOUGH

Orlit Ukovic was so jealous of the affection between myself and her ex husband,Miho Ukovic, that she and Gilad organises pay offs from various sources to sabotage my life and economic progress in Eilat and after my return to Cape Town, South Africa.

Then she got her eldest son to hack my accounts for years.

Open the bank account transactions and you will find all the fraud in Gilad/Baharav account.

The fantasies of fraud trash who have nothing going for them except to steal.

Their hope was to keep me on minimal monthly money to allow them to steal all the money and to try and force me become like them.

Norman Chait, in Israel, is another fraud trash who defamed me simply because he is fraud trash.

Chait is ex Israeli intelligence who got thrown out of the Israeli law bar for his fraud and he is now doing fraud in financial circles.

All this fraud trash have stolen money and lied about their financial partnerships to get on Bloomberg’s Billionaire List .They have faked law cases just to get signatures to forge on property and partnership papers.

That is all they care about.Nothing more and nothing less

My greatest victory is that they have failed.šŸ™‚

The South African law courts and the South African banks are with me in closing down the fraud trash.

They are on the Bermans’ asses for their fraud.

They are on Roswitha Becker’s ass for her fraud.

The life of fraud trash is simple:they don’t want to work for money.They want Mahala.So, they approach the UN, the One Organisation for huge sums of money which they promise to use for specific purposes.The “donors” track and hack them to monitor the expenditure of the money.When the donors see that they are not spending the money as promised, the fraud incurred terrible bad luck.They land up in hospital a few times.Then they begin to curse the money and blame the money for their bad luck.Then they give the rest of the money away.They have a miserable life forever simply because they are fraud trash.

Some people experienced bad luck simply because they received vast sums of fraud money and lied about others receiving it, resulting in innocent people being hounded for money which they didn’t have.

When you go through the Aviva Gilad/Barhavi bank account, you will discover payouts from Warren Krafchik to her in 1994/5 to sabotage me in Israel.

You will find further payouts to her from the ONE Organisation, Central Africa and the United Nations.

The JEWISH Board of Guardians used Warren Krafchik for donors as did they Sheryl Sandberg ( who was employed by Google for years and had access to all the lists of investors in Google Alphabet)

So if any of the investors suffered losses, you can point your fingers at Sheryl Sandberg who colluded with Lufthansa, (because she is a brainless idiot)the fraud of central africa and genuine investors like celebrities via the One Organisation.

The Jewish Board of Fraud is a disgrace for collaborating with Lufthansa resulting in losses to all the private sector and all the investors. Their interference in the private sector is a result of their own ineptitude , their arrogance.

They tried to play Lufthansa for money which does not even belong to them and the result is that the airline has taken over the entire Jewish Board.

They have lied about fake partnerships and faked law cases for signatures to defraud all the decent and honest persons.

The result is that Standard Bank has been taken over by Bank Nigeria.

Pick n Pay with its FEED A Nation, feeds Bank Nigeria

MTN has been taken over by Bank Nigeria.

The entire Jewish Board of Guardians must be thrown onto the street and impoverished and all monies returned to the private sector.

Warren Krafchik is personally responsible for the death of my elder brother, Perry Ashley Ment and the suffering and death of my parents Philip and Deanne Ment in conjunction with Lufthansa Airlines and all the person’s he paid to sabotage them and myself.

He must face the death penalty and all his assets acquired fraudulently be compensated to myself, my surviving brother Jonathan and the two girls surviving Perry Ashley Ment.

I pray all this fraud trash are shoved with massive cactuses up their fraud asses after all the money they have stolen is returned to its origin.

The moral of the story is if you want a happy and successful life, you have to get off your ass and earn your rewards.

Now the Trump family is also with me to close them down after defrauding countless decent people and their businesses.šŸ™

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