Current World Matters


What is really going on?
What is really going on is that Bill Gates has been buying up internet companies which hack everyone’s accounts for information in his quest to undermine all the other major networkers.
His hackers hack through the whole of Israel, South Africa and the USA promoting bullying, extortion and theft, farming(because Gates has stocks in agriculture, viruses (because GATES has stocks in the pharmaceutical industry) and several other people have cloned his behaviour like Angela Merkel and Lufthansa and more

Gates simply uses Facebook to boost his interest in the stock market.

The socialists use Microsoft and Cloudyn and they are expected to pay the money into my bank account and face a jail sentence.

I have never been married, I have full legal capacity, no children and am resident and domiciled in Cape Town, South Africa.

I am not and have never been a freemason and I do not work for anyone what soever.

I have attended 3 Universities and have Mensa Intelligence identified at age 12.

Nor do I owe anyone any favours nor do I owe anyone any money.

I am just wondering whether he or Phil Vallet of Fluxmans started it first.
Bill Gates is an international terrorist and should be stopped.…/microsofts-acquisition-cloud…/…/why-did-microsoft-re…/



From the Nahum Goldman Museum of the Jewish Diaspora: As a Jewish family name,Mentheim can be examined in its two constituent parts,Ment and Heim.The first component,Ment, is probably an abbreviation of MENDEL, a popular given name deriving from the Hebrew Menasse,or Menachem.Menasse was Joseph’s first born son,the grandson of Jacob and father of the Israelite tribe Menasse.Menachem was a KING of ISRAEL in the 8th century B.C.E.As to the second component ,HEIM( German for “home” and a transliteration of the Hebrew word HAYIM- LIFE.

My family is Jewish Royalty.The lost kingdom of Menahem to rise better than before.

The big mistake of King Menahem was to demand from his wealthy to pay the corrupt for freedom. That is Angela Merkel’s big mistake also. That is the mistake of the present South African Regime. It is the mistake of Krafchik’s pseudo democratics. It is the mistake of world politics for the last 30 years. It is the mistake of several law firms.

I can tell you that I had an opportunity to reverse this karma over the last year: I was exposed to tens of people attempting to extort me daily and I scared them all off. I scared all the criminals away without even lifting a hand to them. No one breached my boundaries because I had faith and have faith that all will be well.

And so we learn from history why empires have fallen. Are you getting the message??

After years of enduring the extortion and harassment and fraud of Lufthansa, pressure has been put on the airline. Today, Angela Merkel is a nervous wreck and has been defeated in her own party in the last months.

german chancellor shaking

angela defeated

decline of the german empire

early step down

I have instructed Lufthansa to pay the money they owe me into my First National Bank account.

Tiglath-Pileser III of Assyria began his reign in 745 BC three years before Menahem became king of Israel.

During Menahem’s reign, the Assyrians first entered the kingdom of Israel, and had also invaded Aram Damascus to the north-east: “And Pul, king of the Assyrians, came into the land”. (2 Kings 15:19) The Assyrians may have been invited into Israel by the Assyrian party. Hosea speaks of the two anti-Israelite parties, the Egyptian and Assyrian. (Hosea 7:11)

To maintain independence, Menahem was forced to pay a tribute of a thousand talents of silver (2 Kings 15:19) – which is about 37 tons (about 34 metric tons) of silver. It is now generally accepted that Pul referred to in 2 Kings 15:19 is Tiglath-Pileser III of the cuneiform inscriptions. Pul was probably his personal name and the one that first reached Israel. Tiglath-Pileser records this tribute in one of his inscriptions.

To pay the tribute, Menahem exacted fifty shekels of silver – about 1​1⁄4 pounds or 0.6 kg – from all the mighty men of wealth of the kingdom. (2 Kings 15:20) To collect this amount, there would have had to be at the time some 60,000 “that were mighty and rich” in the kingdom. After receiving the tribute, Tiglath-Pileser returned to Assyria.[6] However, from that time the kingdom of Israel was a tributary of Assyria; and when Pekah some ten years later refused to pay any more tribute, it started a sequence of events which led to the destruction of the kingdom and the deportation of its population.

I am asking President Trump for the death penalty of Warren Krafchik and Marilyn Butler Norris of the Budgeting Partnership in Washington on the grounds of conspiracy to fraud and collusion in slave trafficking and for all the money they stole from me to be returned and deposited into my CAPITEC BANK ACCOUNT immediately.

I have had no relationship with Warren Krafchik ever and have not seen him in over 30 years.His allegations which were repeated by his administrator Marilyn Butler Norris to the United Nations for years is entirely fictitious and an allegation without any substantiation.I have never met Marilyn Butler Norris and nor do I wish to.

All the 209.85 numbers have been traced to Google users in Washington, most notably to Marilyn Butler Norris and her colleagues at the Budgeting Partnership who in collusion with Lufthansa, the Cape Town local and Provisional Governments hacked my entire google accounts and lied about it .

When The Jewish Community of CAPE Town agreed to assist me financially after Krafchik and his retrobate colleagues had plundered my life, the Democratic Alliance under Patricia De Lille( who had been the head of Social Development) sold me multiple times to different NPO’s whereby my finances never improved.

Warren Krafchik has practised socialist behaviour for years which is anti the American Constitution, in conjunction with ANGELA MERKEL, the extorter who seems to think that every non-German must pay her taxes as well.

Merkel is not a socialist as she pretends, but Illuminati and has solicited the support of the Royal British Family for years. The British Royal family has used Lufthansa and its subsidiaries for years on intercontinental European flights.

Well noted is the businesses that(ex) Lufthansa has started in South Africa and elsewhere using money that they have extorted via Google and Facebook.

For staff that earns approximately R10-R15 k per month, there is no way they could afford to start businesses by their own means.

You explain how a load control agent is employed by Global Telesales where Global TELESALES is a company selling tickets on planes for Lufthansa. Note the COST CENTRE is Global Load Control and not Global Telesales.

Are load control agents then “sales people”.No.

Health insurance obtained from First National Bank* Discovery, was obtained fraudulently.

medical insurance for processing visas

Global Load Control was only registered in 2015 and their operations, centres in CAPE Town, Brno, Istanbul all based on fraudulent money and systems.Their legal matters against me fictitious and they are probably culpable of tax evasion for 10 years as well as corruption and fraudulent dealings with health insurance with First National Bank for over ten years.PAY UP THE MONEY , MERKEL.


rom: Michelle Ment []
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2007 1:32 PM
To: ‘Zacharias Changuion’
Cc: ‘’; ‘’; ‘Natalie Scherr’

Dear Zach


I have just been informed, that agents heading for Istanbul to train new staff, for a period of 2 months or more, should only receive the first month of monies+ transport money from you. ( the rest of the money, they will collect from GTS in ISTANBUL, once a month and on a monthly basis.)

This has only just been confirmed between Roswitha Becker and Martin Derr (presently in IST)


The 3 candidates for this IST trip are: Aleksandra Treder

Robert Paduch

Joerg Nederlof


All of these agents should only get the first month’s allowance for Duty Travel + Transport Money from you now, before they leave.

Thank you always for your great effort,

Kind regards,



Michelle Ment
Ground Handling Process Analyst

Global Load Control Cape Town
9th Floor, Picbel Parkade
Strand Street
Cape Town, ZA-8001
Phone:  +27 (0)21 / 415.3811

Fax:    +27 (0)21 / 415.3899

From: Michelle Ment []

Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2007 10:37 AM

To: ‘’

Cc: ‘Natalie Scherr’; ‘’

Subject: RE: Tagegeld f�r IST Support


Dear Martin

 Good Morning, I hope you are well!


I have already briefed Sabine, Marius Rolfes+ Thorsten ( they only come for +- 1 month.)

And all have been told to bring headsets, not to buy shells/ antiques.


Now I must start with the agents who will be coming for 2-3 months.

Question: These agents will only receive 1 month�s Tagesgeld for IST, But where and how do they get the rest of the money in IST, and do they need any special documentation that I may need to prepare from CPT? Or can they use the same DRA everytime?


Best regards, as always,



Michelle Ment

Ground Handling Process Analyst

Global Load Control Cape Town

9th Floor, Picbel Parkade

Strand Street

Cape Town, ZA-8001

Phone:  +27 (0)21 / 415.3811

Fax:    +27 (0)21 / 415.3899



From: []

Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2007 4:10 PM



Subject: RE: Tagegeld f�r IST Support


Lieber Martin,

Danke f�r Deinen Einsatz in dieser Sache, Ich halte das auch f�r besser!

Liebes Evolution Team, bitte ab jetzt umsetzen.




—–Original Message—–


Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2007 12:36 PM


Cc: Simone Brueckner

Subject: Tagegeld f�r IST Support

Hi Ros,

wie gestern schon am Telefon besprochen, hier noch einmal die Randbedingungen f�r die Tagegeldauszahlung vor Ost in IST, damit wir den Aufwand f�r IST GB so gering wie m�glich halten.

-Genehmigter Dienstreiseauftrag

-Nur f�r Agenten deren Aufenthaltsdauer 2 Monate �berschreitet

-Den Agenten wird vor Beginn der Dienstreise das Tagegeld f�r den ersten Monat bereits in CPT ausgezahlt.

-F�r die Monate 2, 3 usw. erfolgt die Tagegeldauszahlung �ber IST GB, jeweils zu Beginn des Monats f�r den laufenden Monat. Bitte beachten: Es erfolgt nun eine Tagegeldauszahlung pro Monat.

Danke und Gr�sse




Martin Derr

Project Manager Global Load ControI IST


Deutsche Lufthansa AG

Department FRA EB/O

B�y�kdere Cad. No. 122

�zsezen Is Merkezi C Blok Kat: 1

34394 Zincirlikuyu – Istanbul

Tel.: +90 / 212 354 6397

Fax: +90 / 212 354 6392

Mobile: +49 151 / 589 30202


klicken, buchen und fliegen


Corporate Headquarters:

Deutsche Lufthansa Aktiengesellschaft, K�ln

Registration: Amtsgericht K�ln HR B 2168

Chairman of the Supervisory Board:

Dipl.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E.h. J�rgen Weber


Executive Board:

Wolfgang Mayrhuber (Vorsitzender/Chairman)

Stephan Gemkow

Stefan Lauer


This matter ,below ,was deliberately ignored and closed down by Magistrate Van Der Spuy who also has no law degree – nor does he have any qualification nor any education and has obviously been paid off by Lufthansa

So, I suppose Trevor Manual”didn’t know”that global Load Control was never registered until 2015.And that his wife,Maria Ramos,of ABSA bank also” didn’t know” that money in her husbands bank,Nedbank, was fraud money.And Cyril Ramaposa of ABSA bank” didn’t know” about it either.Are they all going to be declared ” delinquents”???Or are they going to do the right thing and pay up the money along with Angela Merkel??

Lufthansa /Global Load Control has committed fraud at the expense of all the people above and was sanctioned by the last President to rape South Africa where they are in fact delinquents.Please tell ANGIE MERKEL TO PAY UP THE MONEY, WE ARE NOT WAITING FOR CHRISTMAS


Case No: H547/15

In the Matter Between :





Be Pleased to take Notice that the Respondent hereby requests the following in respect of the
Dismissal of my Application for PROTECTION ORDER as per the Protection from Harassment Act, 2011 handed down by the above honourable court on the 24th July 2015:
1. The facts the judicial officer found to be proved; and
2. The Judicial officer’s reason for Dismissal

Dated at Cape Town on 30 July 2015.

Per: Respondent
8 Prince Court
Prince Street
Cape Town, 8001

The Clerk of the Civil Court
Magistrates Court

This email is intended only for the recipient to which it is addressed and may not be used in any form by anyone for any purposes including legal purposes without my direct and express consent.

Contrary to anyone else’s opinion,in 1984, I was studying at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and was not incarcerated then or at any other time for any alleged crimes overseas. Two women can corroborate this and they are MS Dallia Appleton,a brilliant attorney in the United Kingdom and Lara D’Angeli currently living in Italy.


I am shopping on an account which I earned for myself.

But it is clear that some of “game” staff think they are Angela Merkel, stealing all over the show.They haven’t even charged me for R1458.85 that I spent at Edgars Stores on 11 April, 2019, nor for the R49.99 that I spent on 18 April 2019. They think its their sacred duty to steal from Edgars and defraud people of money and their good name.

This is not acceptable.

you want to bully and threaten people for money you don’t deserve?



The South AFRICAN NPA and the Supreme Court of Appeals are scrutinising the banking accounts and property accounts of each and every Democratic Alliance Member as well as Patricia de Lille and her party’s accounts for money stolen from myself and other tax payers which will be returned to them.

In the last year the rubbish and ignorance of the Democratic Alliance has emerged even in the Cape High Court, whereby Patricia de Lille sued the Democratic Alliance over  a labour matter whose jurisdiction never ever fell in the High Court and whereby Ms De Lille literally begged for reinstatement to her job 3 times, only to be refused.

She has since gone on to slander the Democratic Alliance simply because they refused to allow her reinstatement.

Punching Patricia de Lille’s fight to clear her name – TimesLIVE



May 6, 2018 – Patricia de Lille spoke to the Sunday Times ahead of the announcement … less than a year in the Western Cape executive under premier Helen Zille, … De Lille says: “The way I see it, you win one round and lose one round.
Apr 25, 2018 – CAPE TOWN – Cape Town Mayor Patricia de Lille lost her vote on Wednesday. De Lille … Today, it&39;s me, tomorrow it could be Helen Zille.

Zille says she’s been approached to replace De Lille as Cape Town …



Aug 8, 2018 – “I’m not ruling anything out in the future, but I really do feel that I should consolidate and finish my term properly.” — Western Cape Premier …

Missing: loses ‎| ‎Must include: ‎loses

DA crisis deepens after Patricia de Lille’s court win – BusinessLIVE



Jun 27, 2018 – Cape Town mayor Patricia de Lille celebrates the outcome of the … lost its majority and would have needed to find a coalition partner to hold on …






Warren is not happy that I have opportunities of good fortune:


Fri, Aug 7, 2009, 4:11 AM
to me
Warren sent you a message.

(no subject)

“thanks – good luck with the venture”

To reply to this message, follow the link below:


Warren is a liar:

Warren Krafchik <>
Tue, Jul 20, 2010, 3:38 PM
to me

Hi Michelle:


I am afraid that I have been out of South Africa too long to have any connections to possible employment.


Sorry I cannot help.


I wish you well.


Warren doesn’t like to make big decisions:


Facebook <>
Sat, Apr 25, 2009, 5:32 PM
to me

Warren sent you a message.

(no subject)

“hey michelle – all well here.  just came back from few days work in nyc and off to rio for next week.  blessed with sun at last.  and maybe a little dancing in rio, who knows what that might bring.  election seems to have been smooth.  i am a little relieved at not being able to vote.  this one would have been difficult.  hope your’e well too.  w”

To reply to this message, follow the link below:


I had no contact with Warren Krafchik:he avoided seeing me:


Facebook <>
Tue, Mar 10, 2009, 6:47 PM
to me

Warren sent you a message.

(no subject)

“hi michelle – only have couple days and come down with a lovely cold.  so, i am going to hunker down and look after myself.  sorrry, not this time.  good luck in jhb.  w”

To reply to this message, follow the link below:


Warren Krafchik has been an advisor to the Democratic Alliance and affiliates for years:

Warren Krafchik sent you a message on Facebook…

Inbox x


Sun, Jan 25, 2009, 10:32 PM
to me

Warren sent you a message.

(no subject)

wow – that is some journey.  definately earns a t-shirt.  my truncated version is as follows:  i spend about 7 years at uct studying economics.  ands then lectured macro-economics in the uct economics department for severtal years – can’t quite remember how many.  then travelled for about two years in the u.s. a year in la and a year in ny.

when i came back to sa – i joined idasa – in about 1992.  this was interesting as we started negotiating economic policy for the new government to be and the old government still in power.  i stayed at idasa until 2000 and during this time started experimenting woith the role that citizens/civil society could play in creating and monitoring government tax and expenditure decisions –  playing with different models of accountability.

and this led me to take over a justarting international organization that was helping organizations around the world doing this work.  and now that small org is 20 people with four offices around the world.

i met megan on a plane – we sat next to each other travelling from london to ethiopia about five years ago.  and have been together since.  we gave birth to elsa – a golden retriever – about five months ago.  and the furnitrure has not been the same since!

dc is very pleasant.  but a little conservative.  we will have to see how it changes in obamaland. but, i am almoist ready for a change of scenary.

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