Tell me a story I don’t know already

I am in Room Number 1 in a house in Observatory,Cape Town.Phone number, Cape Town South Africa 0660448269

.I do not work for the One Organisation.They lied for money because they are FRAUD.

And I never stalked or extorted anyone.

As a result of deviants from the Gardens Synogogue at ENSAfrica, who hacked my accounts, money intended for me by Eminem landed up at Jaarn Wool store in Paarl.

So we have the entire Colin Hall, Woolworths gang hacking through the Jews via “pretending to invest” to obtain email addresses.

We have Samantha Pegg hacking the entire Kerzner operation with “health harassment” turning every one into a nutcase.

Then we have ENS Africa hacking through everyone.

Then we have all of Colin Hall’s prostitutes extorting for money.

And we have Roswitha Becker, with her wish for the past, back with Clive Harvey Fox, “Harvey Hoover” vacuum cleaner.

And Ricus van Zyl is not dead.He is busy with Roswitha Becker,with a fake profile.

You see Kerzner was trying to recruit me in 2015.But Van Zyl, the deviant, sabotaged me in order that he would be chosen for the Kerzner group.And so Van Zyl and all his deviants wrecked Kerzner.

I have no relationship with Van Zyl for years.He joined the Good party to gain access to money.His mother extorted a huge sum of money from Sol Kerzner from Durban.Van Zyl and Becker have used the Good Party to go after Brandon Kerzner in the last year’s, resulting in several arrests of Brandon Kerzner due to massive stress in his life.That is what they tried to do to me also.And stole a million Rand from my company, WhiteSlash Pty Ltd as well as my entire recipe collection.

The Sherriff of the Court is currently liquidating all the beggars she threw that money at, in Durban.

Then we have this piece of work Mamosedis who was paid off by staff of Pam Golding to cause damage to myself and my present accommodation.

And we have evidence of Pam Golding hacking through the South African Police and my life and legal matters for years.

And I have read all my mother’s papers and bank statements which are in my possession since her demise on November 30, 2018.

Thanking you for returning all my money to me

The ex CEO of Global Telesales. Partnered with an Indian billionaire, who is not very wealthy, compared to the Bloomberg index of current billionaires.

The ex CEO, Birgit, and Dr Raj stole my Woolworths money and fed it to the fraud socialists which is why the thievery permeated into the United Nations.

Birgit uses MTN which is why MTNclients suffered losses.

Birgit and DR Raj hacked into yahoo, Gmail, Microsoft and Zoho and ” played” games with all the contacts in those servers.

The ONE Organisation, Dr Raj and the Airport authorities hacked into webmail and Twitter.

And Bono now knows all about it.

So now , Bono will be like my mother with everyone chasing after him and his connections for all the money stolen from myself, my family and the private sector.In fact it’s already happening.

They obviously all have shit for brains if they need to steal for money and information.

If I ever meet Warren Krafchik in person, I would probably drown him in the bath tub

Dr Raj also donated heavily to Boston University and then partnered with Bill Gates internet company in Boston to hack into all the academics.

Its Melinda, not Bill Gates, who is responsible for this carnage.

I asked Bill Gates to compensate me and my family, but I haven’t received any money yet.Otherwise, I would thank him profusely.

To which purpose Raj has just been ( April 2020) awarded a doctorate..That is why Bill Gates’s stock increased in the last two weeks and he jumped back to Number 2 on Bloomberg’s billionaire list, pushing Bernard ARNAULT. to positions three and four.

A doctorate based on other people’s lifetime of work.

Well Dr Raj, you are a walking dead person when the academics you stole from get their hands on you.and when the tax man gets hold of you.

Crime does not pay at all.See..

Julia Robert is also found to be involved with the conniving socialists as well as Brad Pitt..

Well that’s not surprising. If you don’t like money, Julia and Brad, then don’t be surprised when all your money is taken from you. 🙏

These fraudsters are so scared of getting caught that they have hidden money stolen in Bitcoin.

The last time Dr Raj’s net worth was declared on Forbes/Bloomberg’s list of billionaires was in 2014.

Which means he has been stashing his money into Bitcoin since then and avoided paying taxes just like Luthansa.

If you are aware, millions of Jews work in the finance sector, so we will find the money that you stole from us.

You may as well give up the ghost.

For the last few months, since the South African Revenue services discovered that Lufthansa Airlines is responsible For grand theft and larceny via all The network servers along with the socialist trash in the One Organisation, the Cape Town based deeds office and the sheriff’s of the court .are liquidating all businesses and persons that benefitted from money stolen by Lufthansa airlines.

New evidence has been found of several property company. Start ups .which were. Funded with my money,my family’s money and others.

New evidence has also been found of Lufthansa staff stalking myself and my entire family for years.

Thanking all those diligently working on my behalf to return all money stolen from myself and my brothers to ourselves directly.

I am not now or have ever been a freemason.

That means I do not and have never run a fucking charity for anyone.

It also means I am not marrying anyone for money just because you have zero intelligence and stole money..

It especially means that I reject all connections with socialist thieves.

Michelle Ment

Cape Town, South Africa

#dont stand so close to me


I am not married to anyone and never was. The win is mine and I decide what to do with it.

As a result of my insistence that Game Stores’ employees harassed extorted and stole my knitwear off my facebook page and sold it behind my back, along with defrauding Edgars Stores, The ten thousand rand account at RCS Stores has been written off and I do not owe them one rand.

Many thanks to the support of South African stores, in the RCS network

I am very pleased with my success and welcome my remuneration!

When you follow the postcards and the correspondence between myself and my mother chronologically, you will understand that my mother never sat at a computer; Janet, ex AIDA PROPERTY COMPANY , run by Milton Kellman, sat at the computer.
My mother never had a computer.

I was given a second hand computer by Caryn Ginsberg and her Israeli boyfriend, Dror who worked in HITECH in Israel,in about 2000/2001.
They did it so that they could hack my emails.
Having emailed my mother; Caryn and her boyfriend, Dror, hacked into AIDA and hacked banks and several companies for money.
They hacked my brother, Jonathan and everyone else and have not ceased for years.
Problems with AIDA and their computers is recorded not only by myself in my postcard and email to my mother, but also by clients of AIDA( Ann Hunt).

Maureen Ginsberg took pains to isolate my mother from my father’s family even after he passed away and isolate my mother from any source of wealth.
The Ginsberg family lied to Milton Kellman and his wife, Louise, of my alleged hacking as well as that of my mother and my brothers because they were promised “a cut ” of money when the inheritance money was paid out in 2001.

Kellman and his wife lied to every property company in Cape Town resulting in me being evicted onto the streets of Cape Town several times and where every property company helped themselves to my personal property.
They clearly assumed /believed that I was sabotaging the wealth and in fear, they decided to “teach me a lesson I would never forget”.

Mark Solomon is listed on the liquidation and distribution account and he made sure I would never get a job at Edward Nathan Sonnenberg and never receive any legal support from them either.He also made sure to make my employment with him as miserable as possible during 2007-2009.

To date they have failed/ and or refused to compensate me monetarily.

The Kellmans also depressed David Selekowitz to the point that David went to his death in 2014, because of Milton Kellman and his wife who wanted their daughter to inherit the entire estate of Judge Selekowitz.

The Kellmans hired an international internet company to hack everyone for money. The money was moved to Australia and the Kellmans later moved there. So actually Kellman lied to everyone and meanwhile he was stealing from everyone and blaming my family.
I have the read the High Court Case about Milton Kellman, his wife and AIDA and I have read the Liquidation and Distribution Account. So I know what I am talking about. This methodology was obviously discussed with a number of people, because they did it to my mother and they have been doing it to myself for years.-deliberately disappointing me and interfering with my law cases and everything else which I find entirely disgusting.

I guess you dont like it when I do it to you, do you???so maybe then you will pay up the money and fuck off. Because I guarantee you I will come after you and this is the warning “shot”.The more you have done it, the more you show yourselves to be puerile and pathetic and so I laugh at you even more.

Caryn Ginsberg and her mother sought to impoverish myself, my mother and my brothers by enlisting the aid of the “socialists” and the property companies of Cape Town to hack into my accounts, my mother’s accounts and my brothers accounts resulting in the death of my elder brother,Perry.
Evidence of Caryn and her brother Dean exist of them freeloading onto my hospitality in order to check out my financial situation and take advantage of it to the max without so much as a thank you.

Later there is record of Dean Ginsberg collaborating with the Kellmans and with Howard Rubenstein to ensure that I would be hounded with false and fake law cases instigated by Roswitha Becker against me where Roswitha Becker is found to to have defrauded SARS, BANKS and the Credit Bureau with a company that was not even registered until 2015 and where Lufthansa Airlines owes the South African Revenue Services over ten years of tax that was not declared.

Then we have record of Caryn Ginsberg with Jonathan Maresky and in London with Jerome Ment and we have record of all the socialist liars affiliated to Maresky.

We have Michelle Snitcher in Ripe network, we have Nicola Galombick’s fraud connected to the Prince Court flat, we have Krafchik who “doesnt know anyone in Cape Town”, (his own mother lives in Cape Town )we have the Penkins involved with Sandak Lewin and lack of patient-client confidentiality and we have Maresky with that 192.68 ip number.

From: Michelle Winkler []
Sent: 12 May 2009 06:13 PM
To: ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘bella levin’; ‘’; ‘’
Subject: FW:

Some poems gracie did this weekend

From: Michelle Winkler []
Sent: 10 May 2009 03:13 PM
To: ‘Gus Ferguson’

Then we have record of Maureen Ginsberg paying duties to every synogogue to get the Rabbis on her side and on the side of her children who have committed conspiracy to murder.

Lastly we have the commissioned document from the Labour Department declaring honestly that no employment is recorded in my name since 2011.

This also negates Dennis Shorkend’s lie that I was receiving charity since 2009 because he in all his illiteracy, considers me as ” a useless human being”.

Well, the Labour attestation will put Dennis Shorkend in jail for perjury in a High Court case.

It also shows that all the credit records showing that I allegedly worked at Lufthansa and elsewhere after 2007 are also perjured records.

Well, guys, here is the warning shot: I have the right to protect my property and my estate and I will break you.
I am not a church. I am not a synogogue,I am not a plant or a spy and I am fed up with all the trash of Cape Town sticking its big nose in my business, in my bank account and in my face.
I am not responsible for your fraud, or your lack of intelligence or your spite or your cruelty.

The latest update shows the gang bang of RAIN, African Rainbow Capital and TYME BANK, where Dr Motsepe Ramaphosa( the wife of President Cyril Ramaphosa) is the sister of Patrice Motsepe of African Rainbow Capital with its allies at RAIN WIRELESS BUSINESS NETWORK WHO HAVE BEEN HACKING THE ENTIRE SOUTH AFRICAN PRIVATE SECTOR.
It should be noted that Patrice Motsepe was colleagues with Benny Schlossberg at Bowman Gillfillan where Schlossberg is Hebrew Order of David.

Apparantly, RAIN, ARC AND TYME BANK are currently attempting to impoverish Ryk Neethling of Val de Vie, who invested in ARC and Tyme Bank.
Apparantly the SOUTH AFRICAN GOVERNMENT is trying to turn the entire private sector into my mother where it can go and claim over TEN YEARS OF UNPAID TAXES FROM FRAUD BITCH MERKEL.
To which purpose, a case has been lodged with the Constitutional Court of South Africa to limit government interference in the private sector and out of our phones.
Apparantly I singlehandedly ruined the profits of PICK N PAY.
I would really like to know how I did it, since I do not spend one rand in Pick n Pay if I can avoid it.

Apparantly Helen Zille is no more.
Apparantly there is a new leader of the Democratic Alliance.

My family has more talent, more brains and more love than most of you put together.

Anyone finding this ip address should know it belongs to the Unity Church:

: delivery via[]:25: 250 2.0.0 OK 1583049870

Stock Market Manipulation

Stock Market Manipulation is a federal crime in the United States of America.


Bill Gates and his wife are notorious thieves and should be asset forfeited and incarcerated for internet fraud, stock market manipulation, theft and murder.

Gates extorts and steals from Paul Allen

In 1988, Apple Inc. filed a landmark lawsuit against Microsoft. The suit claimed that Microsoft Windows used graphical user interface (GUI) parts too similar to those in Apple products such as the Macintosh operating system.

Gates steals from Steve Jobs

August 6, 1997 — The day Apple and Microsoft made peace

Bill Gates and Steve Jobs came together 21 years ago, when Microsoft agreed to invest $150 million in Apple stock. The deal shocked Apple purists, but it helped put Apple on a firm footing for a few reasons —and made its historic run possible in the second Steve Jobs era.

Blackrock is one of the main investors of Apple Incorporated and is the wealthiest investment house in the World.

As of 2019, BlackRock holds 4.81% of Deutsche Bank, making it the single largest shareholder.[36] This investment goes back to at least 2016.[37]


When you look at Bloomberg’s latest billionaire index, it is quite clear that shares in Lufthansa were sold off by tip off via internet invasion of privacy and shares bought in environmental organisations in a massive stock market manipulation engineered by Bill Gates who is a major shareholder in Apple Incorporated, Microsoft and other internet companies.

Billionaires of the World

Bill Gates and his wife should be asset forfeited and incarcerated and the money that they have stolen be returned to their rightful owners.

I have proof that Lufthansa airlines hacked Elon Musk to ensure he loses on the stock market

X-Apparently-To: whiteslashza; Mon, 30 Dec 2019 12:15:02 +0000
Return-Path: <>
 dkim=pass (ok) header.s=20150623;
 dmarc=NULL(p=NULL sp=NULL dis=NULL);
Received-SPF: pass (domain of designates as permitted sender)
X-YMailISG: 0aEFGs4WLDuN_kOlyoE.XoK.f8tNyefsJGliN0Im.NuR.9Fl

I have proof that Apple Incorporated has hacked several companies to interfere with their stock trading and to ensure they suffer losses such as Laurene Jobs Powers, Elon Musk, Google and many more.

Received: from ht-dc-ex-d1-n1.spacex.corp ( by
 HT-DC-EX-D2-N1.spacex.corp ( with Microsoft SMTP Server
 (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256) id
 15.1.1847.3; Mon, 30 Dec 2019 04:15:31 -0800
Received: from ht-dc-ex-d1-n2.spacex.corp ( by
 HT-DC-EX-D1-N1.spacex.corp ( with Microsoft SMTP Server
 (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256) id
 15.1.1847.3; Mon, 30 Dec 2019 04:15:31 -0800
Received: from ht-dc-ex-d1-n2.spacex.corp ([::1]) by
 HT-DC-EX-D1-N2.spacex.corp ([fe80::9df1:4854:681e:6752%11]) with Microsoft
 SMTP Server id 15.01.1847.005; Mon, 30 Dec 2019 04:15:31 -0800
From: Elon M 

Here we have the Apple Incorporation hacking Elon Musk which I caught after 
asking for an investor
Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2019 12:14:57 +0000 (UTC)
From: Michelle Ment
Subject: The Boring Company
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
X-Mailer: WebService/1.1.14873Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.88 Safari/537.36
Content-Length: 306822
Here we have Bill Gates/ Apple INCORPORATION hacking all the actors

Date: Tue, 31 Dec 2019 13:25:30 +0000 (UTC)
From: Michelle Ment
Subject: Fwd: Sean Justin Penn
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
References: <
X-Mailer: WebService/1.1.14873  Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.88 Safari/537.36
Content-Length: 312108
It is most pathetic that Lufthansa has villified my name just so that its fraud trash can enjoy themselves at everyone else’s expense.
Contrary to Lufthansa slander that I was incarcerated in Israel in 1984 and thereby deserved to have the Universe drop its trash on my head, I most definitely was not incarcerated: I was studying at the University of Jerusalem with friends in my life  and my mother and my brother came to visit me in JERUSALEM

I am not Kim Kardashian

Isnt it amazing that Lufthansa/Global TELESales filed against me in 2013 where

1)I was not employed by Global Telesales as per my last contract with them in 2007 when I resigned from them.

2)Roswitha Becker never worked for Global Telesales.

3)Global Load Control was not registered until 2015 as per their CK number registered with the CIPC of South AFRICA.



August 6, 1997 — The day Apple and Microsoft made peace

Bill Gates and Steve Jobs came together 21 years ago, when Microsoft agreed to invest $150 million in Apple stock. The deal shocked Apple purists, but it helped put Apple on a firm footing for a few reasons —and made its historic run possible in the second Steve Jobs era.

As of 2019, BlackRock holds 4.81% of Deutsche Bank, making it the single largest shareholder.[36] This investment goes back to at least 2016.[37]


I am not married to anyone and never was.No lawyer or advocate assisted me.

I am not a freemason. I do not owe anyone any money. I do not work for anyone.

I would like the money owing to me paid into my bank account immediately.

I will have to explain that the reason Jesus died and knew on the cross that God had forsaken him already was because he did not do God’s work in healing and uniting everyone.He alienated and condemned the honest wealth and he revelled in misery. He definitely was NOT the Messiah and many agree with me.
So God decided he was a waste of time and allowed him to be crucified on the cross.

By trusting in the false prophet you are doomed forever.

This is why the socialists will never win.
Merkel and her socialist Lufthansa are doomed to fail.
I am not apologizing for my knowledge of these things and I have no guilt either. I am not responsible for your stupidity and your fraud and your corruption and I do not have to put up with it either- Nor should anyone else

And at the ninth hour, Jesus cried out with a loud voice, “Eloi Eloi lama sabachthani?” which means, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” It is the only saying that appears in more than one Gospel, and is a quote from Psalm 22:2. This saying is taken by some as an abandonment of the Son by the Father.




Have you noticed how anyone who stands a chance of becoming famous and successful and who happens to befriend the Kardashian family, gets trashed.

Paris Hilton is born to a tremendously wealthy family, more wealthy and more successful than the Kardashians could ever dream of. The next thing she is friends with Kim and lo and behold- her life becomes a mess with sex tape scandals, drug arrests and more.

Then Zayn Malik the drug addict appears on the scene where Gigi Hadid is building her career. Zayn tries his luck with the Kardashians but they send him onto Gigi Hadid because Kendall Jenner is Gigi’s rival in modelling.

Zayn wastes Gigi’s time with his drug problems and arrests enabling Kendall to rake up US$ 800 K and Gigi’s earning power is not even close to it.

And this was done at the same time that Kardashian made a plea to President Trump to have mercy on someone who had been incarcerated.

I can say it because I dont know these people in person and the Kardashians make anyone sign a confidentiality agreement before they allow themselves to be friends with anyone.So Gigi cant say a word.

My guess is Rick Salomon was paid off by the Kardashians to disgrace Paris Hilton deliberately.

Paris Hilton works hard to make money irrespective of whether she is the best or not.

She has perfume ranges, Skin care ranges,  clothing ranges, works as a DJ in clubs, has great style in clothing and is a trend setter.

My guess is Zayn Malik was paid off to hassle Gigi Hadid.

This is how the freemasons operate- they target awesome people and deliberately set out to upset and humiliate them  and sabotage their careers and their personal lives by setting trash  AND drug addicts onto them.

Ask me, I know, and I havent done a sex tape, havent modelled nude, have not done drugs or alcohol, have a clean record , attended 4 universities worldwide, was a member of MENSA in my youth , and have won 6 law cases on my own, have my knitting style lauded on Ravelry , have my knitted stock selling in 2 retail stores, and not interested in your low life trash and I stand with my immediate family and wish them and myself, massive wealth, success,  happiness,  financial investors, great health and everything awesome in life.

And I do not appreciate all you assholes wasting my time with your agendas and your trash.

I pray President Donald Trump will sort them out.


How many people did Kim use to get famous?

one night in Paris

now the excuse is drugs

17 men kim kardashian has dated

what is next

kardashian has known and used Paris for a long time

Zayn Malik and the Kardashians

Gigi Hadid and Zayn Malik

zayn malik and drugs



Get out your paycheck ANGELA MERKEL and pay up to myself and my brother and his children. I am definitely not dying nor dying to meet you but am well, housed and content and grateful for the blessings in my life# BAD THINGS HAPPEN TO PEOPLE WHO STEAL and LIE

I do not work for government and never have and have no aspirations to be a “cleaner” just so that the corrupt people who tried to shut me down can carry on stealing from myself and others.

I have no computer skills, having done a brief course in basic computer literacy years ago with no excel knowledge and basic knowledge only in powerpoint – I have no interest in the computer industry and anyone who has read my law papers filed at the court house can easily see that as a result of little computer knowledge -even my margins are not aligned .

Having been homeless for circa 10 years, I also have no internet server or any fixed address and Lufthansa’s baseless accusations about my”hacking” is mere transference of their own guilt.

Having had my motor vehicle taken away from me in 2010 and having no car for almost 10 years , after having the trash of Lufthansa and their whores steal from me for over ten years, I am looking forward to getting my motor car license renewed here in Cape Town.

A recent case I opened with regards to a cellphone of mine that was stolen reveals the disgrace of Lufthansa and the whores they sent to South Africa to steal from advocates, attorneys and more.

I am excited that we are going to finally close them down, particularly after that fraudster Roswitha Becker, now living in Pinelands, Cape Town has scammed the rabbis for money for herself at my expense and others., while she calls herself ” Elizabeth”(the Queen)


The cell phone theft reveals Justin Hodges who colluded with Lufthansa to have me thrown out of my flat in 2016 and that my phone passed to the hands of whores for several weeks before being taken to Sabine Siedentopf who has been Carsten Spohr’s whore for years.

Guess what guys, I have Sabine’s cell phone number and Interpol and President Trump are going to have a party closing down Germany.

Hello Carsten – today you are well and truly fucked and all your money+ property  will be removed and you will be rendered a homeless, street person as you well deserve as will all the contacts of the whores which Vodacom and the SAPS are working through.



The latest is that a law firm from Somerset West, home to Sakkie Changuion and Lufthansa sends me this by email. Guess who it is??? From the law papers in my files, it is the hand and style of Roswitha Becker scamming money where ever she can and using my name with a “z” on the end.The SAPS in Somerset West has either been paid off or duped to keep this one quiet. Well you wont shut me up.Anyone approached to pay this person leading you on as if it is me, is advised not to pay her.

Dear Craig Corbett,

Drostdy Hotel has requested a payment

Amount: ZAR 2200.00

Date & Time: 2019-10-04 12:44
Beneficiary: Drostdy Hotel
Reference #: 3248867/324429
Customer name: Craig
Customer surname: Corbett
Process payment to Drostdy Hotel
For any technical issue regarding your payment, contact

Michelle Ment <>
Fri, Oct 4, 4:39 PM (5 days ago)
to notification

I do not pay for Craig or anyone else.
The Police case is pending against these people and should you need a case number I will provide it.
At this juncture it looks like the hand and style of Roswitha Becker of Lufthansa

Michelle MENT

Dear Michelle,

I went through all the previous correspondence and noticed that one letter was missed in the previous e-mail address which is why you received the e-mails.

Our sincere apologies for the misunderstanding and inconvenience caused.

Gaynore Fortuin

Oh, you are “sorry”.

You are playing the “Truworths” sorry programme.

What are you sorry about?
Are you sorry you lied to me about phoning me? Are you sorry that you
tried to extort money out of me and/or my family??
Are you sorry you tried to scam me and my family for money?
Are you sorry that you sent me several mails all with the “letter
missing”? It could have happened once, but not seven times, cookie.
Are you sorry that you are trying to play ” Michelle Ment will pay for
all your bills game?”
Sorry, my ass.
You are lying trash and you will be dealt with.

Michelle Ment
Cape Town

Gaynore Fortuin
10:47 AM (4 hours ago)
to H333, N***l, me

Tue, Oct 8, 2:48 PM (1 day ago)
to me, Hazel, Neil

Dear Ms Mentz,

Thank you for taking my call and clarifying your e-mail.

I would like to advise that no payment has been taken via our PayGenius on-line payment link.

The only payment received was the R2200.00 paid via Bank Transfer.

Kind regards,

On Fri, Oct 4, 2019 at 12:45 PM Hazel Manzini <> wrote:
> Dear Michelle
> Please find attached the confirmation of booking
> I have forwarded a payment Link for payment via credit card
> We look forward to your confirmation
> Kind regards
> Hazel Manzini




So far we have traced the Hebrew Order of David linked to the One Organisation (which even refused to help me with money after stealing and tracking my money for years)which has been sponsored by Bloombergs for years.

We have also discovered that bitch Becker from Lufthansa hacking away into RCS STORES, using an Internet Solutions ip address along with Bill Gates.


Received: from ( [])
        by with ESMTPS id x69si4681610wmf.164.2019.
        for <>
        (version=TLS1_2 cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 bits=128/128);
        Thu, 19 Sep 2019 07:39:50 -0700 (PDT)
Received-SPF: pass ( domain of designates as permitted sender) client-ip=;
       spf=pass ( domain of designates as permitted sender)
Received: from ( []) (Using TLS) by with ESMTP id za-mta-17-qHQVEx6RM4aJ8DjzNwmSxQ-2; Thu, 19 Sep 2019 16:39:45 +0200
Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (TLS) id 15.0.1473.3; Thu, 19 Sep 2019 16:39:43 +0200
Received: from ([]) by ([]) with mapi id 15.00.1473.003; Thu, 19 Sep 2019 16:39:43 +0200
From: Candice Rensburg <>
To: michelle ment <>

Does Bloomberg know that Hebrew Order of David idiots have taken over there or dont they care?

For anyone who doesnt know, President Trump is personally responsible for shutting down Adnan Kashogi and his freemason whores, so you assholes in Hebrew Order of David have no chance.

That includes you, Dennis Shorkend, Annette Marks  and Sharon Anne Joffee who have been scamming the property industry with illicit property deals.

This is what I would personally do to Warren Krafchik if I was alone in a room with him:

I would convince him that tying his hands together would be something fun, then I would tie his feet together. Then I would lock the front door and leave  him to vomit in his own urine and faeces. I would  throw the key in a public garbage can. I would do the same thing to Bill Gates and Angela Merkel except with Angela, I would first convince her that blindfolding her would be enourmous fun!We have tracked Krafchik and the Hebrew Order of David to Peter Greenwall and the One Organisation. President Trump knows who you fuckers are, I know who you are and the South African authorities know who you are. Your days of parasitic fervour are over.

I am really hoping at this stage that Angela Merkel, Bill Gates and Warren Krafchik are having their bank accounts cleaned out by the US Authorities.




Lets get real 2019. IF I am not for myself, then who is and if not now, then when?

To correct your misinformation:

My name is Michelle Ment and I am domiciled in Cape Town.

My immediate family are descendents of two Kings of Israel, two king Menasse’s and my younger brother and I carry the exact same blessings.

I do not work for anyone and have not for years due to corrupt trash world wide.

I run my own company which is registered and I receive some assistance from the Jewish Community after the socialists and the parasites from Washington crippled my finances.

If you insist on playing Church games with me, then answer this question- what is the penalty for harassing, assaulting and impoverishing a king?

The answer is DEATH. I will come after each of you hypocrites and you will regret it.

In Klitzners eviction of my person, the City of Cape Town is excluded entirely which shows you that it is Klitzner, Hebrew Order of David and his trash David freemasons with Roswitha Becker that did the damage. The fact that the City was excluded means that there is a possibility of Alma Smith, Senior Prosecutor having been paid off by the freemasons. So there is absolutely no jurisdiction.


This is the degree with which travel  tried to sabotage me recently:

-What operating system- I am clearly using a generic email server.

From: Michelle Ment <>
To: Myla Dennis <>
Subject: Re: [SPAM] Your account has been hacked! You need to unlock it.
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Return-Receipt-To: Michelle Ment <>
Disposition-Notification-To: Michelle Ment <>
Message-ID: <>

I had no idea how desperate you are Sean Connors who hacked my phone and 
aided that whore Rodicka to blackmail the advocates.
I already gave the department of corrections her phone number and her 
car license plates from the money that she extorted.
I was so successful that she had to sell the car and buy a new one and 
then leave Cape Town in a hurry.

I tell you what Sean, since I already gave the Department of Corrections 
the information about what you did, what do you think will happen to you 
when I forward this email which is so off base that it is laughable.

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 From: Myla Dennis <>
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Subject: [SPAM] Your account has been hacked! You need to unlock it.
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2019 19:23:56 +0300
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 From: Myla Dennis <>
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Subject: [SPAM] Your account has been hacked! You need to unlock it.
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2019 19:23:56 +0300
List-Post: NO
X-Spam-Prev-Subject: Your account has been hacked! You need to unlock 
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This email is intended only for the recipient to which it is addressed 
and may not be used in any form by anyone for any purposes including 
legal purposes without my direct and express consent.

On 2019-08-21 18:23, Myla Dennis wrote:
> Hello!
> I am a hacker who has access to your operating system.
> I also have full access to your account.
> I've been watching you for a few months now.
> The fact is that you were infected with malware through an adult site
> that you visited.
> If you are not familiar with this, I will explain.
> Trojan Virus gives me full access and control over a computer or other 
> device.
> This means that I can see everything on your screen, turn on the
> camera and microphone, but you do not know about it.
> I also have access to all your contacts and all your correspondence.
> Why your antivirus did not detect malware?
> Answer: My malware uses the driver, I update its signatures every 4
> hours so that your antivirus is silent.
> I made a video showing how you satisfy yourself in the left half of
> the screen, and in the right half you see the video that you watched.
> With one click of the mouse, I can send this video to all your emails
> and contacts on social networks.
> I can also post access to all your e-mail correspondence and
> messengers that you use.
> If you want to prevent this,
> transfer the amount of $500 to my bitcoin address (if you do not know
> how to do this, write to Google: "Buy Bitcoin").
> My bitcoin address (BTC Wallet) is:  3CWBkB2Que6xGjrFgejAgbNgzLRiR1Taxv
> After receiving the payment, I will delete the video and you will
> never hear me again.
> I give you 50 hours (more than 2 days) to pay.
> I have a notice reading this letter, and the timer will work when you
> see this letter.
> Filing a complaint somewhere does not make sense because this email
> cannot be tracked like my bitcoin address.
> I do not make any mistakes.
> If I find that you have shared this message with someone else, the
> video will be immediately distributed.
> Best regards!


Having revisited my family tree, I discovered that my cousin Dr Jerome who resides in Britain has a mother named Eleanor who married into and divorced my family and decided to form a church which has been hacking South African companies left right and centre.(74……)

Eleanor’s mother’s maiden name was Mendelsohn and because Eleanor married Charlie Ment,( where Mendelsohn and Ment are the same blood line ) the offspring/ children are all genetically defective.

Eleanor’s mother sued the German Government for reparations after the Nazis destroyed and stole their property and as the sole heir, Eleanor and her children benefitted from the monetary reparations.


It would appear to me, thou I stand to be corrected, that my mother, my elder brother and myself have duly been extorted and harassed for money that we never had so that the deranged and psychotic  Eleanor and her children could enjoy the benefit of their deviousness.

I have no doubt when we do a thorough check that we will find that Dr Jerome and his mother and their connections have much to do with the corruption of pathologists in Cape Town where my mother and myself  have the same/similar medical reports and where people lied about me for years to prevent my enjoyment of the Woolworths deal and my interest to develop my culinary experience when I first arrived back in Cape Town.

(A diversion was created to protect their happiness and prosperity at the expense of my family which does not include Eleanor)

As you can see, Eleanor doesnt even mention her children whom she despised for years along with her husband.

Eleanor had no problem impoverishing her husband and her children (as well as my parents), having them thrown into a Jewish Orphanage while she divorced her husband Charlie and trotted off to marry a hippy drugster Gentile(which she never mentions in her video).

Her only interest was to achieve fame and glory for herself while she totally ignored her children and her mother because everyone despised Eleanor and the only way she could get attention and love was via the Church.I must say, Eleanor’s nails are quite the showpiece.

Interestingly enough it was a Mozambiquan girl that attacked me in Graham Abbott’s house where Eleanor was born in Lusaka.

I pray for the death of this woman who savagely brutalised my family

Eleanors nails

Your message was successfully delivered to the destination(s)
listed below. If the message was delivered to mailbox you will
receive no further notifications. Otherwise you may still receive
notifications of mail delivery errors from other systems.The mail systemMargaret Goodwin crochets on her farm which who paid for ?

Margaret Goodwin is Dr Jerome’s personal assistant at the NHS (HOSPITAL) and it is Margaret and Dr Jerome that have been collecting money from you via Webmail.

<>: delivery via[]:25: 250 OK

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You will also find that along with all the 209.85 ip addresses sourced in Washington, Cloudyn of Boston and Israel( previously owned by Sharon Wagner and 2 other Israelis, and currently owned by Bill Gates )are the main perpetrators of internet trash along with MWEB/Internet Solutions and Dimension Data.

Sharon Wagner employed Jonathan Maresky- an ingrate socialist(living in Israel) and his mother Cynthia  have been friends with Dr Jerome  since school days.

They conspired this internet deception along with their deviant socialist network to steal as much money as possible and create as much havoc as possible.

The socialist network is linked to Warren Krafchik of the Budgeting Partnership in Washington, Patricia De Lille and Merkel,  in Government and Lufthansa who have been stealing and robbing the Jews for centuries ironically along with the Hebrew Order OF David which did nothing to assist my mother or myself after the demise of my father even though my father served them for years.

The Hebrew Order of David  along with Roswitha Becker has been handed over to the SAPS for investigation to recover money stolen from myself and my immediate family. where R15 million rands remains to be recovered to myself as well as the rest of loss of income and more.

Ashley Kantor and Schlossberg of Bowman Gillfillan are two persons identified as Hebrew Order of David and they are being investigated by the SAPS for their conspiracy to defraud myself.

Where Roswitha Becker is currently courting the Rabbis for blessings and money after committing heinous fraud and abusing the High Court doing it.



A year after Patricia de Lille was fired by the Democratic Alliance on allegations of corruption for which the DA failed/ and or refused to file formal charges, Ms De Lille has been using her days running the inconsequential GOOD Party to raise funds to buy a seat in Government.

Fascinating to read the FAKE NEWS whereby De Lille allegedly “quit” her job where in fact, she filed 3 High Court applications to beg for her job back and after their refusal, she went on to slam them for corruption and every insult possible. Sour Grapes indeed.Another abuser of the court system.

Her own party dont have access to the balance sheet, information about funders,  etcetera and it is very clear she and Brett Heron(EX Minister of Transport )have been hacking my accounts for information and help.In fact, they dont even know what she stands for.

At the end of July 2019, a letter I sent to the Judge President of the Cape High Court included mention of the High Court and the lower Magistrates Courts as being in infringement of the law, with no access or exits even available for handicapped persons which jeopordises the rights of the handicapped

Witnesses to my email are the Supreme Court, the NPA and STBB LAW FIRM IN CAPE TOWN.

Co incidentally we find an article on August 8 of an urgent meeting where suddenly the “hero” who has been hacking accounts for donations from the wealthy to buy her way into government,is discussing proposals to  refurbish  the courts.

Poor Brett Heron, stuck with the DA to milk the cow for years, then left with Patricia and resigned from his Ministerial position only to be used by Patricia to get her a ministerial post and push him into a secretarial position.

Patricia is a socialist.

She has done nothing to combat drugs, because she is not interested in REAL solutions.

She is a Branson supporter and always has been and as we know, Branson thinks he is doing the world a favour by impoverishing the world  with drug purchases.

De Lille slams government for appointing people not qualified for the job and yet she has no experience in public works herself.

The Government of South Africa is and has been a joke for over 60 years and its puerile efforts to make every criticism of it a “racial issue” just shows the lack of intelligence.

For the people are smarter these days and recognise that the Government creates the dellusion of racism because it lacks the intelligence, integrity, honesty and qualifications to make any real difference for prosperity of the people. If you are still stuck on “racism” then perhaps it is time for you to educate yourself and raise the level of your debate.


Ms De Lille regularly criticises the wealthy( who have funded her agendas) and lacks the understanding to realise that this is not a war between the wealthy and the poor, but a war of success driven people who WORK for their money as opposed to parasitic socialists who abuse the internet to STEAL money.

fire hazard courts

evil israel

no financial accountability in Good Party

not qualified for the job

Current World Matters


What is really going on?
What is really going on is that Bill Gates has been buying up internet companies which hack everyone’s accounts for information in his quest to undermine all the other major networkers.
His hackers hack through the whole of Israel, South Africa and the USA promoting bullying, extortion and theft, farming(because Gates has stocks in agriculture, viruses (because GATES has stocks in the pharmaceutical industry) and several other people have cloned his behaviour like Angela Merkel and Lufthansa and more

Gates simply uses Facebook to boost his interest in the stock market.

The socialists use Microsoft and Cloudyn and they are expected to pay the money into my bank account and face a jail sentence.

I have never been married, I have full legal capacity, no children and am resident and domiciled in Cape Town, South Africa.

I am not and have never been a freemason and I do not work for anyone what soever.

I have attended 3 Universities and have Mensa Intelligence identified at age 12.

Nor do I owe anyone any favours nor do I owe anyone any money.

I am just wondering whether he or Phil Vallet of Fluxmans started it first.
Bill Gates is an international terrorist and should be stopped.…/microsofts-acquisition-cloud…/…/why-did-microsoft-re…/



From the Nahum Goldman Museum of the Jewish Diaspora: As a Jewish family name,Mentheim can be examined in its two constituent parts,Ment and Heim.The first component,Ment, is probably an abbreviation of MENDEL, a popular given name deriving from the Hebrew Menasse,or Menachem.Menasse was Joseph’s first born son,the grandson of Jacob and father of the Israelite tribe Menasse.Menachem was a KING of ISRAEL in the 8th century B.C.E.As to the second component ,HEIM( German for “home” and a transliteration of the Hebrew word HAYIM- LIFE.

My family is Jewish Royalty.The lost kingdom of Menahem to rise better than before.

The big mistake of King Menahem was to demand from his wealthy to pay the corrupt for freedom. That is Angela Merkel’s big mistake also. That is the mistake of the present South African Regime. It is the mistake of Krafchik’s pseudo democratics. It is the mistake of world politics for the last 30 years. It is the mistake of several law firms.

I can tell you that I had an opportunity to reverse this karma over the last year: I was exposed to tens of people attempting to extort me daily and I scared them all off. I scared all the criminals away without even lifting a hand to them. No one breached my boundaries because I had faith and have faith that all will be well.

And so we learn from history why empires have fallen. Are you getting the message??

After years of enduring the extortion and harassment and fraud of Lufthansa, pressure has been put on the airline. Today, Angela Merkel is a nervous wreck and has been defeated in her own party in the last months.

german chancellor shaking

angela defeated

decline of the german empire

early step down

I have instructed Lufthansa to pay the money they owe me into my First National Bank account.

Tiglath-Pileser III of Assyria began his reign in 745 BC three years before Menahem became king of Israel.

During Menahem’s reign, the Assyrians first entered the kingdom of Israel, and had also invaded Aram Damascus to the north-east: “And Pul, king of the Assyrians, came into the land”. (2 Kings 15:19) The Assyrians may have been invited into Israel by the Assyrian party. Hosea speaks of the two anti-Israelite parties, the Egyptian and Assyrian. (Hosea 7:11)

To maintain independence, Menahem was forced to pay a tribute of a thousand talents of silver (2 Kings 15:19) – which is about 37 tons (about 34 metric tons) of silver. It is now generally accepted that Pul referred to in 2 Kings 15:19 is Tiglath-Pileser III of the cuneiform inscriptions. Pul was probably his personal name and the one that first reached Israel. Tiglath-Pileser records this tribute in one of his inscriptions.

To pay the tribute, Menahem exacted fifty shekels of silver – about 1​1⁄4 pounds or 0.6 kg – from all the mighty men of wealth of the kingdom. (2 Kings 15:20) To collect this amount, there would have had to be at the time some 60,000 “that were mighty and rich” in the kingdom. After receiving the tribute, Tiglath-Pileser returned to Assyria.[6] However, from that time the kingdom of Israel was a tributary of Assyria; and when Pekah some ten years later refused to pay any more tribute, it started a sequence of events which led to the destruction of the kingdom and the deportation of its population.

I am asking President Trump for the death penalty of Warren Krafchik and Marilyn Butler Norris of the Budgeting Partnership in Washington on the grounds of conspiracy to fraud and collusion in slave trafficking and for all the money they stole from me to be returned and deposited into my CAPITEC BANK ACCOUNT immediately.

I have had no relationship with Warren Krafchik ever and have not seen him in over 30 years.His allegations which were repeated by his administrator Marilyn Butler Norris to the United Nations for years is entirely fictitious and an allegation without any substantiation.I have never met Marilyn Butler Norris and nor do I wish to.

All the 209.85 numbers have been traced to Google users in Washington, most notably to Marilyn Butler Norris and her colleagues at the Budgeting Partnership who in collusion with Lufthansa, the Cape Town local and Provisional Governments hacked my entire google accounts and lied about it .

When The Jewish Community of CAPE Town agreed to assist me financially after Krafchik and his retrobate colleagues had plundered my life, the Democratic Alliance under Patricia De Lille( who had been the head of Social Development) sold me multiple times to different NPO’s whereby my finances never improved.

Warren Krafchik has practised socialist behaviour for years which is anti the American Constitution, in conjunction with ANGELA MERKEL, the extorter who seems to think that every non-German must pay her taxes as well.

Merkel is not a socialist as she pretends, but Illuminati and has solicited the support of the Royal British Family for years. The British Royal family has used Lufthansa and its subsidiaries for years on intercontinental European flights.

Well noted is the businesses that(ex) Lufthansa has started in South Africa and elsewhere using money that they have extorted via Google and Facebook.

For staff that earns approximately R10-R15 k per month, there is no way they could afford to start businesses by their own means.

You explain how a load control agent is employed by Global Telesales where Global TELESALES is a company selling tickets on planes for Lufthansa. Note the COST CENTRE is Global Load Control and not Global Telesales.

Are load control agents then “sales people”.No.

Health insurance obtained from First National Bank* Discovery, was obtained fraudulently.

medical insurance for processing visas

Global Load Control was only registered in 2015 and their operations, centres in CAPE Town, Brno, Istanbul all based on fraudulent money and systems.Their legal matters against me fictitious and they are probably culpable of tax evasion for 10 years as well as corruption and fraudulent dealings with health insurance with First National Bank for over ten years.PAY UP THE MONEY , MERKEL.


rom: Michelle Ment []
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2007 1:32 PM
To: ‘Zacharias Changuion’
Cc: ‘’; ‘’; ‘Natalie Scherr’

Dear Zach


I have just been informed, that agents heading for Istanbul to train new staff, for a period of 2 months or more, should only receive the first month of monies+ transport money from you. ( the rest of the money, they will collect from GTS in ISTANBUL, once a month and on a monthly basis.)

This has only just been confirmed between Roswitha Becker and Martin Derr (presently in IST)


The 3 candidates for this IST trip are: Aleksandra Treder

Robert Paduch

Joerg Nederlof


All of these agents should only get the first month’s allowance for Duty Travel + Transport Money from you now, before they leave.

Thank you always for your great effort,

Kind regards,



Michelle Ment
Ground Handling Process Analyst

Global Load Control Cape Town
9th Floor, Picbel Parkade
Strand Street
Cape Town, ZA-8001
Phone:  +27 (0)21 / 415.3811

Fax:    +27 (0)21 / 415.3899

From: Michelle Ment []

Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2007 10:37 AM

To: ‘’

Cc: ‘Natalie Scherr’; ‘’

Subject: RE: Tagegeld f�r IST Support


Dear Martin

 Good Morning, I hope you are well!


I have already briefed Sabine, Marius Rolfes+ Thorsten ( they only come for +- 1 month.)

And all have been told to bring headsets, not to buy shells/ antiques.


Now I must start with the agents who will be coming for 2-3 months.

Question: These agents will only receive 1 month�s Tagesgeld for IST, But where and how do they get the rest of the money in IST, and do they need any special documentation that I may need to prepare from CPT? Or can they use the same DRA everytime?


Best regards, as always,



Michelle Ment

Ground Handling Process Analyst

Global Load Control Cape Town

9th Floor, Picbel Parkade

Strand Street

Cape Town, ZA-8001

Phone:  +27 (0)21 / 415.3811

Fax:    +27 (0)21 / 415.3899



From: []

Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2007 4:10 PM



Subject: RE: Tagegeld f�r IST Support


Lieber Martin,

Danke f�r Deinen Einsatz in dieser Sache, Ich halte das auch f�r besser!

Liebes Evolution Team, bitte ab jetzt umsetzen.




—–Original Message—–


Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2007 12:36 PM


Cc: Simone Brueckner

Subject: Tagegeld f�r IST Support

Hi Ros,

wie gestern schon am Telefon besprochen, hier noch einmal die Randbedingungen f�r die Tagegeldauszahlung vor Ost in IST, damit wir den Aufwand f�r IST GB so gering wie m�glich halten.

-Genehmigter Dienstreiseauftrag

-Nur f�r Agenten deren Aufenthaltsdauer 2 Monate �berschreitet

-Den Agenten wird vor Beginn der Dienstreise das Tagegeld f�r den ersten Monat bereits in CPT ausgezahlt.

-F�r die Monate 2, 3 usw. erfolgt die Tagegeldauszahlung �ber IST GB, jeweils zu Beginn des Monats f�r den laufenden Monat. Bitte beachten: Es erfolgt nun eine Tagegeldauszahlung pro Monat.

Danke und Gr�sse




Martin Derr

Project Manager Global Load ControI IST


Deutsche Lufthansa AG

Department FRA EB/O

B�y�kdere Cad. No. 122

�zsezen Is Merkezi C Blok Kat: 1

34394 Zincirlikuyu – Istanbul

Tel.: +90 / 212 354 6397

Fax: +90 / 212 354 6392

Mobile: +49 151 / 589 30202


klicken, buchen und fliegen


Corporate Headquarters:

Deutsche Lufthansa Aktiengesellschaft, K�ln

Registration: Amtsgericht K�ln HR B 2168

Chairman of the Supervisory Board:

Dipl.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E.h. J�rgen Weber


Executive Board:

Wolfgang Mayrhuber (Vorsitzender/Chairman)

Stephan Gemkow

Stefan Lauer


This matter ,below ,was deliberately ignored and closed down by Magistrate Van Der Spuy who also has no law degree – nor does he have any qualification nor any education and has obviously been paid off by Lufthansa

So, I suppose Trevor Manual”didn’t know”that global Load Control was never registered until 2015.And that his wife,Maria Ramos,of ABSA bank also” didn’t know” that money in her husbands bank,Nedbank, was fraud money.And Cyril Ramaposa of ABSA bank” didn’t know” about it either.Are they all going to be declared ” delinquents”???Or are they going to do the right thing and pay up the money along with Angela Merkel??

Lufthansa /Global Load Control has committed fraud at the expense of all the people above and was sanctioned by the last President to rape South Africa where they are in fact delinquents.Please tell ANGIE MERKEL TO PAY UP THE MONEY, WE ARE NOT WAITING FOR CHRISTMAS


Case No: H547/15

In the Matter Between :





Be Pleased to take Notice that the Respondent hereby requests the following in respect of the
Dismissal of my Application for PROTECTION ORDER as per the Protection from Harassment Act, 2011 handed down by the above honourable court on the 24th July 2015:
1. The facts the judicial officer found to be proved; and
2. The Judicial officer’s reason for Dismissal

Dated at Cape Town on 30 July 2015.

Per: Respondent
8 Prince Court
Prince Street
Cape Town, 8001

The Clerk of the Civil Court
Magistrates Court

This email is intended only for the recipient to which it is addressed and may not be used in any form by anyone for any purposes including legal purposes without my direct and express consent.

Contrary to anyone else’s opinion,in 1984, I was studying at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and was not incarcerated then or at any other time for any alleged crimes overseas. Two women can corroborate this and they are MS Dallia Appleton,a brilliant attorney in the United Kingdom and Lara D’Angeli currently living in Italy.


I am shopping on an account which I earned for myself.

But it is clear that some of “game” staff think they are Angela Merkel, stealing all over the show.They haven’t even charged me for R1458.85 that I spent at Edgars Stores on 11 April, 2019, nor for the R49.99 that I spent on 18 April 2019. They think its their sacred duty to steal from Edgars and defraud people of money and their good name.

This is not acceptable.

you want to bully and threaten people for money you don’t deserve?



The South AFRICAN NPA and the Supreme Court of Appeals are scrutinising the banking accounts and property accounts of each and every Democratic Alliance Member as well as Patricia de Lille and her party’s accounts for money stolen from myself and other tax payers which will be returned to them.

In the last year the rubbish and ignorance of the Democratic Alliance has emerged even in the Cape High Court, whereby Patricia de Lille sued the Democratic Alliance over  a labour matter whose jurisdiction never ever fell in the High Court and whereby Ms De Lille literally begged for reinstatement to her job 3 times, only to be refused.

She has since gone on to slander the Democratic Alliance simply because they refused to allow her reinstatement.

Punching Patricia de Lille’s fight to clear her name – TimesLIVE



May 6, 2018 – Patricia de Lille spoke to the Sunday Times ahead of the announcement … less than a year in the Western Cape executive under premier Helen Zille, … De Lille says: “The way I see it, you win one round and lose one round.
Apr 25, 2018 – CAPE TOWN – Cape Town Mayor Patricia de Lille lost her vote on Wednesday. De Lille … Today, it&39;s me, tomorrow it could be Helen Zille.

Zille says she’s been approached to replace De Lille as Cape Town …



Aug 8, 2018 – “I’m not ruling anything out in the future, but I really do feel that I should consolidate and finish my term properly.” — Western Cape Premier …

Missing: loses ‎| ‎Must include: ‎loses

DA crisis deepens after Patricia de Lille’s court win – BusinessLIVE



Jun 27, 2018 – Cape Town mayor Patricia de Lille celebrates the outcome of the … lost its majority and would have needed to find a coalition partner to hold on …






Warren is not happy that I have opportunities of good fortune:


Fri, Aug 7, 2009, 4:11 AM
to me
Warren sent you a message.

(no subject)

“thanks – good luck with the venture”

To reply to this message, follow the link below:


Warren is a liar:

Warren Krafchik <>
Tue, Jul 20, 2010, 3:38 PM
to me

Hi Michelle:


I am afraid that I have been out of South Africa too long to have any connections to possible employment.


Sorry I cannot help.


I wish you well.


Warren doesn’t like to make big decisions:


Facebook <>
Sat, Apr 25, 2009, 5:32 PM
to me

Warren sent you a message.

(no subject)

“hey michelle – all well here.  just came back from few days work in nyc and off to rio for next week.  blessed with sun at last.  and maybe a little dancing in rio, who knows what that might bring.  election seems to have been smooth.  i am a little relieved at not being able to vote.  this one would have been difficult.  hope your’e well too.  w”

To reply to this message, follow the link below:


I had no contact with Warren Krafchik:he avoided seeing me:


Facebook <>
Tue, Mar 10, 2009, 6:47 PM
to me

Warren sent you a message.

(no subject)

“hi michelle – only have couple days and come down with a lovely cold.  so, i am going to hunker down and look after myself.  sorrry, not this time.  good luck in jhb.  w”

To reply to this message, follow the link below:


Warren Krafchik has been an advisor to the Democratic Alliance and affiliates for years:

Warren Krafchik sent you a message on Facebook…

Inbox x


Sun, Jan 25, 2009, 10:32 PM
to me

Warren sent you a message.

(no subject)

wow – that is some journey.  definately earns a t-shirt.  my truncated version is as follows:  i spend about 7 years at uct studying economics.  ands then lectured macro-economics in the uct economics department for severtal years – can’t quite remember how many.  then travelled for about two years in the u.s. a year in la and a year in ny.

when i came back to sa – i joined idasa – in about 1992.  this was interesting as we started negotiating economic policy for the new government to be and the old government still in power.  i stayed at idasa until 2000 and during this time started experimenting woith the role that citizens/civil society could play in creating and monitoring government tax and expenditure decisions –  playing with different models of accountability.

and this led me to take over a justarting international organization that was helping organizations around the world doing this work.  and now that small org is 20 people with four offices around the world.

i met megan on a plane – we sat next to each other travelling from london to ethiopia about five years ago.  and have been together since.  we gave birth to elsa – a golden retriever – about five months ago.  and the furnitrure has not been the same since!

dc is very pleasant.  but a little conservative.  we will have to see how it changes in obamaland. but, i am almoist ready for a change of scenary.

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Who is Janine Stewart Bailey?

Janine worked as a Human Resource Manager at Woolworths Cape Town for some time.

Brenda Stern, never a friend of mine, suggested I become friends with Janine  .Brenda knew her well and thought that through Janine, I would secure my Woolworths deal.


I never contacted Janine or spoke to her even by correspondence.

She followed my younger brother Jonathan to GLAXO SMITH KLINE PHARMACEUTICALS, which is why there was all the health hacking in my accounts.

It would appear that Brenda Stern (allied to the GARDENS SYNOGOGUE, KRAFCHIK, CYNTHIA MARESKY AND THE PICK N PAY PEOPLE) and Janine Stewart Bailey conspired with Mark Van Buuren to strike the deal without me after they found out via Jewish COmmunity SERVICES that I was making good money from selling my product at the Food MARKETS in Cape Town.

(Since I was paying rent to Jewish Community Services) at the time I was producing my ice cream)

Mark Van Buuren apparently thought that he was entitled to steal from me because he judged me as an “arrogant”person.

I suppose it is inevitable that he insulted me in any way, since he is an undignified thief.

Certainly it is not the first time that Woolworths employees have passed off products that are not theirs.

The CEO of Woolworths, Simon Susman, who was deeply involved in the Jewish Community assured everyone that “the blonde has her money” and everyone believed him and believed that he was referring to myself.

In subsequent years Simon Susman has divorced his wife and Ms Bailey has a child and it is very possible that the father of her child is either Susman or Van Buuren, since there is no plausible reason for protecting a person who has not worked for Woolworths since 2006 , and who has committed fraud, other than a personal interest in her “pussy”(to put it crudely).

Because of these liars at Woolworths, for the last ten years, every 3rd person has come to me to ask for money or something else.

What they told people is that I am a bully, (which is a total lie) and they encouraged people to try and “manage” me.

What was really happening is that they organised amongst themselves who are the bullies, and they sent the bullies one by one after me to extort money from me which they lied about afterwards because that is what they are-  lying trash

They sent Klitzner to scam me for money

Ashersons refused to stand by me

Then they got the MAGISTRATES COURT and the United Nations to harass me and beat me up to a pulp because they couldnt get the money from me when they asked for it.


Then the Jewish Community  came after me for money which I never had.



I pray that my younger brother Jonathan is okay since I am aware that Mrs Smith the Senior Public Prosecutor has taken great pains to divide us and that some in local government have blamed my brother for taking the money which he never did.


First National Bank of South Africa has received my instructions with regard to this money that is owed me and I pray that I receive the money soon into my FNB Business account


receipts from rent





  • Human Resource Manager, GMS (Global Manufacturing & Supply) Supply Chain – Consumer Health

     – Present (5 years 7 months)Cape Town Area, South Africa

    Human Resource Business Partner for Supply Chain – Consumer Health in Cape Town. Provides HR strategic direction and leadership to the manufacturing business, operating within a Global company and matrix organization. Strong focus on Organizational design and building organizational capability across all areas.

  • Human Resources Director

     –  (1 year 7 months)Cape Town Area, South Africa

    Provides overall HR strategic direction and leadership to the business across the manufacturing, sales, finance, marketing, regulatory, medical and distribution divisions.

    Cipla Medpro is a leading generic pharmaceutical company dealing in human over-the-counter and prescription products as well as nutritional supplements, animal health and agrimed products.

    Partnering with the executive team in order to drive sustainable growth, people and profit objectives whilst the business is transitioning through business life cycle changes which is demanding new business capabilities and competencies.

    Overhauling the HR processes and implementing world class practices in a systemic way which meets business needs.

  • Group Head Human Resources Manager

     –  (1 year 10 months)Cape Town Area, South Africa

    Overall strategic leadership and management of the Human Resources function for the Group.
    Cipla is one of the fastest growing Pharma companies in South Africa. The company includes a manufacturing plant, world class distribution centers and a strong motivated sales team.

  • Human Resources Executive

    Galaxy & Co Manufacturing & Retail Jewellers
     –  (3 years 1 month)Cape Town Area, South Africa

    As part of the business leadership team, my key role was leading the HR function as well as delivering sustainable business improvement through conceptualizing and delivering the people strategy across the business (manufacturing, sales, operations, buying and planning areas, marketing, debtors, the supply chain and distribution, IT, logistics and property).

  • Human Resources Business Partner : Head for Retail Operations

     –  (2 years)Cape Town Area, South Africa

    As part of the HR leadership team, reporting to the Senior Executive, my primary accountability was leading a large team of HR Business Partners at Divisional level and their reports within the retail division. This involved the majority of employees (+-14 000) across 200 stores. The role required a strong understanding of all aspects of HR Management, working in matrix environment and leading large virtual teams and collaborating with HR centers of excellence.

  • National HR Generalist: Retail Operations

     –  (2 years 6 months)

    Reporting to HR Business Partner Head of Retail my accountability included identifying key people trends and developing best practice models. I had accountability for retail people and processes. This included working with the central specialist HR teams to deliver HR solutions to the business.



  • There are thousands of Case laws representing a multitude of topics and themes
  • Each law that exists represents a person that has/had no respect for the rights of another
  • Therefore each law that exists and each case that exists- and there are thousands- represents the behaviour of  an aberrated person
  • Indeed case law  reflects the aberration of the history of human society in toto and the legal system’s attempts to create a peaceful society by regulating relationships between people and entities and money
  • Rules of Law exist to modulate and regulate society and to protect the rights essentially of those victimised and marginalised by others
  • The lawyers’ and advocates’ handbooks and the Courts’ Rules prescribe  the expected behaviour  of lawyers and advocates .
  • These court rules exist for good reason; else they would not have been drawn up at all.
  • If lawyers and advocates cannot uphold the rules of court, then those lawyers and advocates should pay the price of failure of compliance in terms of the court rules and should not be rewarded when they default
  • I am thankful not to have any contact with my mother who has always been a bully and a liar and I am thankful not to have anything to do with any of my ex employers
  • The problem is not my selfishness (where everyone is entitled to stand up for their rights)but your unacceptable sense of entitlement to my money and  my ideas for free where you have already eroded my estate by R73 million rands plus(CAPE TOWN, OCTOBER 2016)and which I would like returned to me, Michelle Ment,  personally and directly without any delays and in one installment.
  • Part of the money coming to me will be used towards funding monetary legal claims in South Africa in the High Courts to prevent anyone else suffering like I have for so many years, and to ensure that people will be able to expedite their legal matters, receive their monies and be able to get on with their lives as they choose.
  • I love my young boyfriend and our dog and look forward to baking him a home made chicken pie again in our new house
  • and I pray that there will still be time for me to have a child of my own
  • I am thankful to my grandmother Lily and her friend Ginny Finder  who warned me years ago to stay away from old men who only want women in their lives for 2 reasons: to wash their dirty underwear and  to be a nursemaid to their grumpy ill natures
  • I am thankful to not have a passport because Cape Town, South Africa is the only place I need to be in
  • Thank you to so many wonderful people in my life
  • scan-file-today    01 OCTOBER 2016:1463150_1442624312623231_1283799416_n
  • My record is and has always been clean.
  • I am heterosexual and have always been heterosexual
  • If you want to be a whore- then go and ahead and be a whore, and go and play your sadistic games with someone else
  • I am not interested in any of your causes
  • I am not and have never been a socialist
  • I am not and have never been a lawyer or an advocate
  • The fact that many of you have hacked my accounts or used my ideas to enrich yourselves and are now stuck because you have no goal, no vision or no experience at developing these projects is your problem and not mine
  • I do not work for anyone and have not in years due to your unlawful interference in my life and  your unacceptable bullying and harassment of my person
  • I am not and have never been interested in running a charity, nor have I done so
  • You are advised to do the work you get paid to do and go and hassle someone else
  • i am entitled to stand up for my legal rights as does everyone else
  • I always been entitled to have a child of my own and I don’t care what your problem with that is- the fact that some of you have tried to control my LIFE choices- MAKES YOU VIOLENT AND NOT ME


I am very pleased to have a trial date set for Cape Town in the next months where the truth will emerge as to whom the main culprits are to the damage caused me and to my boyfriend and our dog, in recent years and those people will be facing penalties.

I look forward to winning my current law cases (and getting all the money due to me )which I have prepared all on my own since no one agreed to assist me and where people have been intimidated not to assist me.

Dont expect me to prepare my legal papers and come running to you for you to win my cases based on MY  law papers where you get a cut of money for doing FUCK ALL.

Some of you will also be facing malicious prosecution charges and since all the damage occurred to me in Cape Town and since most companies have an office based in Cape Town- the Cape Town courts will have jurisdiction.

*Everyone knows something you don’t

*gratitude to many wonderful South Africans and other awesome people for their kind support of me

  • While in my early twenties, I spent hours watching Holocaust Movies from the Gitlin Library in CAPE Town, South Africa to understand the history of atrocities of the history  human race which inculcated in me  the importance of fostering human values towards preserving dignity and respect in society. These values have always been a healthy part of me.
  • In the uploads below, I can honestly say that I have never ever in my life been so disgusted as to when I worked for Lufthansa and their incompetent management team whose people have failed to realise that  I left in 2007,  never to return.
  • The reason I was victimized in the workplace when I worked for Lufthansa is because I was the only jew in the workplace and I reminded my ex boss of her jewish ex boyfriend who dumped her and because I was the oldest on the team and considered by her to be “the old apartheid regime”. I was also more experienced in management than the entire management team and they sought to use me and my skills to get a ladder up the rung.
  • All the copies of shifts in my possession were all given to me as were they given to every other team member and are therefore MINE to have and use towards proving how many hours of night shift I worked in the HIGH COURT.
  • The judgement of an incapable and unskilled person, constantly looking for arguments with+attention from me+ who has never changed her unacceptable bullying tactics, and seems to have forgotten that I RESIGNED in 2007, (never to return) and is most definitely no example to anyone as evidenced by her papers of 2013-2015, wasting my time and the people of South Africa  with more of their rubbish and their frauds.
  • I am aware that I have been a victim of immense defamation including an allegation of an unknown virus which can be easily refuted, since my blood count has always been NORMAL, despite the enormous undue suffering and stress that I have been exposed to for the last 15 years.
  • In 2009, I was given some excellent advice; be selfish with your love-
  • In 2012, I was given more excellent advice; dont waste your time argueing with intellectual midgets-
  • I was born to enjoy my life as I see fit with no less rights than others;I was born to have children, and I pray that that is still possible after all the harassment and bullying that I have been forced to endure unduly for 15 years by the travel industry and more who seem to think that bullying people is to be lauded and praised where in fact it is prime example of a deteriorated human brain.
  • According to the World Health Organisation, bullying is defined as any form of negative controlling behaviour that impacts adversely on others economically, psychologically and socially over a period of time.
    Therefore: FACEBOOK is Violent
    Sheryl SANDBERG is Violent
    Mark Zuckerberg is Violent.
    The United Nations is Violent
    Lufthansa is Violent
    First Rand Bank is Violent
    My family is violent
    The Jewish Community Services is Violent
    Pick n Pay is Violent
    The travel industry is Violent
    Most of my ex employees are violent
    Warren Krafchik is Violent
    Richard Branson is Violent
    Melinda Gates is Violent
  • Peter Greenwall is Violent
    Some Government agencies are Violent
  • *I welcome winning my cases in the HIGH COURT without any delays and receiving all monies due to me after all the suffering that I ,  have suffered here in Cape Town for the last years.
  • You dont need religion to know the difference between right and wrong, all you need to know is that google was compromised entirely in 2009 by project Aurora and that yahoo was breached several times over 2012 and 2014 by the United Nations hacker called Peace of Mind who did anything but that to millions of account holders incuding mine.

yahoo and google data breach











14199198_1804258613126464_185247734529753902_n14292490_1804258746459784_6098050222752028518_n14292507_1804258649793127_1644004703895016522_n14322709_1804258773126448_842142891542014729_nbecker perjurymckerchar unlawfully authorised (2)and not commissioned as per SA LAW

#proudly South African#Jewish#life#cape town



  • 532143_1439594006259595_689293612_n                THANK YOU

Abundance is nothing more than a euphemism for unjust enrichment and or theft. You dont go to Woolworths see a pile of cheese and say that Woolworths is abundant , do you? No, you know that the cheese has a price tag and that price tag must be paid in cash.2016

To any SOUTH AFRICANS who may have suffered losses: when you look up your cellphone number on the internet like I and Ricus have, you might find like us that your cellphone number has been tracked by European countries, where Ricus and myself have been in SOUTH AFRICA all this time and where neither of us have left the country and neither of us have been employed by anyone. How to put an end to this? I have no idea and hopefully someone can and very very soon!!


It’s not my job to sort out your problems, nor is it my job to explain your losses.That’s what you get paid to do. Nobody listens to hearsay anymore- most people are way too intelligent for that.


I am ungrateful for you ruining my economic opportunities.

I am ungrateful for all your lies although some of your lack of intelligence is proved by the lack of evidence you show..

I am ungrateful for having my business ruined.

I am ungrateful for working for people who have no qualifications.

I am ungrateful for having my legal studies discontinued.

I am ungrateful for having my car taken away from me.

I am ungrateful for having my health ruined.

I am ungrateful for being monitored by South Africans and foreigners alike.

I am ungrateful for having been evicted 5-6 times unlawfully

I am ungrateful for being kept hostage by the internet.

I am ungrateful for having all my clothes stolen from me.

I am ungrateful for having my legal papers tampered with and destroyed which is a criminal offence.

I am ungrateful for being treated like your toilet

I am ungrateful for being surrounded by drug addicts

I am ungrateful for being surrounded by people who thrive on unlawful behaviour

I am ungrateful for all the pain and suffering you have caused me for 15-20 years.

I am ungrateful for you trying to pin a criminal record of me

I am ungrateful for the department of corrections hacking my phone



I neither have any valid passport nor any desire to leave Cape Town and am ever grateful to the Courts of South Africa for enabling judgements based on honesty .

Thank you to the many Cape Townians generosity and kindness for buying fruit and vegetables from me today towards my legal papers towards good values. Love it!!

I really hope I win my forthcoming High Court matter for the progress of good values and salvation of the legal profession and can’t wait to get it in writing exactly where my Woolworths SA money is.

The remedy for Breach of contract  is to restore the situation to how it should have been.

The Remedy for a delict is compensation for the damage incurred and future loss to the estate for example future medical expenses. What happens when you have both?

when you look at Branson’s blog on the 23 July 2016 you will see exactly who has been tracking me; because they think they are funny by throwing toilet paper in a plane after my writing. #22 July 2016

letter to judge dennis davis

police hacked prior to the attempted murder of my person

housing tribunal2


Blumsohn hacking my mails on the day I was nearly murdered in 2012housing tribunal1



harolds bullying
















highlands house 2013-2015





receipts from rent


rent receipts1


expenses feb2011




kathy bullying




certificate of service (1)





confirmation of attendance to performance management (2)














store manager cert


sales assistant diploma


Sales Assistant Tygervalley


Trainee Manager2


truworthschatter (2)


Trainee Manager1










Blumsohn hacking my mails on the day I was nearly murdered in 2012






I generally prefer to celebrate the living.In memory of a solitary legend and International champion of Human Rights.Aleinu leshabeach Adon Hakol is central to Judaism and recited daily in gratitude of the wonderful gift of life and its blessings#July 14, 2016

“When a person doesn’t have gratitude, something is missing in his or her humanity. A person can almost be defined by his or her attitude toward gratitude.”
Elie Wiesel




13511028_1771788066373519_1313147461835725807_n Here is the question;  Why did it take so long for the money to be found when Tebbutt and Van Wijk were the area managers for both the V+A store and the Wynberg store?

Answer; It took so long because Van Wijk was having an affair with the Wynberg Store Manager who has been at Foschini for some years, while his wife was dying of cancer and he chose to prioritise his sex life before his duties to the company and enjoyed terrorising myself and Hector Van der Walt for weeks before the money mysteriously appeared.UNACCEPTAble!



Thanks to Ricus for introducing me to isotonic Game for instant rejuvenation of the brain cells-it’s the only game that Ricus and I have in our lives together.

13557878_1777415949144064_5068530702540471526_n.jpgjcs income.








While I am Jewish, you do not have to be Jewish or a Jew lover to understand that life is precious. And I say to everyone and anyone who has a healthy respect for life that while 40% of South African fuel comes from SASOL, the remainder comes from Saudi Arabia who are the prime funders of terrorist attacks world wide and that I see no reason to support a product which sponsors death and destruction.


The new rules for attorneys effective 01 March 2016 state that an attorney may enlist a 3rd party to investigate on their behalf, however I do not believe that the CAPE LAW SOCIETY condones that investigations may be done in my or anyone else’s mailbox.

The regulation requires amendments  because it also condones 3rd party hearsay information which is inadmissable in a court of law as per the Rules and Law of Evidence and certainly in my case, it does not condone retroactive mailbox ” investigations ” which have occurred since circa 2008.

I have always supported Woolworths South Africa as a proudly South African Brand which strives to promote the South African economy before others by stocking and supplying South African products before any others, by striving to be a brand ambassador for excellence , good values and excellent quality, for striving to be a trend setter and at the fore of South African innovation.bilberry cert city council

edited woolworths






The reason why there has been so much discrimination in facebook for years






As per the case of Stewart and Another v Botha and Another, 2008, decided in the Supreme Court of Appeals:’ To be human implies leading a life that is, as far as possible, free of deformities, pain, discomfort and suffering.’.


0honesty is the best policy   071076468(11) imagescape townbaby makes three     mm17-11234682_594622347333897_4833236158854335615_n I   Companies Act1966_44716364019_1496_ne  baby makes three