• There are thousands of Case laws representing a multitude of topics and themes
  • Each law that exists represents a person that has/had no respect for the rights of another
  • Therefore each law that exists and each case that exists- and there are thousands- represents the behaviour of  an aberrated person
  • Indeed case law  reflects the aberration of the history of human society in toto and the legal system’s attempts to create a peaceful society by regulating relationships between people and entities and money
  • Rules of Law exist to modulate and regulate society and to protect the rights essentially of those victimised and marginalised by others
  • The lawyers’ and advocates’ handbooks and the Courts’ Rules prescribe  the expected behaviour  of lawyers and advocates .
  • These court rules exist for good reason; else they would not have been drawn up at all.
  • If lawyers and advocates cannot uphold the rules of court, then those lawyers and advocates should pay the price of failure of compliance in terms of the court rules and should not be rewarded when they default
  • I am thankful not to have any contact with my mother who has always been a bully and a liar and I am thankful not to have anything to do with any of my ex employers
  • The problem is not my selfishness (where everyone is entitled to stand up for their rights)but your unacceptable sense of entitlement to my money and  my ideas for free where you have already eroded my estate by R73 million rands plus(CAPE TOWN, OCTOBER 2016)and which I would like returned to me, Michelle Ment,  personally and directly without any delays and in one installment.
  • Part of the money coming to me will be used towards funding monetary legal claims in South Africa in the High Courts to prevent anyone else suffering like I have for so many years, and to ensure that people will be able to expedite their legal matters, receive their monies and be able to get on with their lives as they choose.
  • I love my young boyfriend and our dog and look forward to baking him a home made chicken pie again in our new house
  • and I pray that there will still be time for me to have a child of my own
  • I am thankful to my grandmother Lily and her friend Ginny Finder  who warned me years ago to stay away from old men who only want women in their lives for 2 reasons: to wash their dirty underwear and  to be a nursemaid to their grumpy ill natures
  • I am thankful to not have a passport because Cape Town, South Africa is the only place I need to be in
  • Thank you to so many wonderful people in my life
  • scan-file-today    01 OCTOBER 2016:1463150_1442624312623231_1283799416_n
  • My record is and has always been clean.
  • I am heterosexual and have always been heterosexual
  • If you want to be a whore- then go and ahead and be a whore, and go and play your sadistic games with someone else
  • I am not interested in any of your causes
  • I am not and have never been a socialist
  • I am not and have never been a lawyer or an advocate
  • The fact that many of you have hacked my accounts or used my ideas to enrich yourselves and are now stuck because you have no goal, no vision or no experience at developing these projects is your problem and not mine
  • I do not work for anyone and have not in years due to your unlawful interference in my life and  your unacceptable bullying and harassment of my person
  • I am not and have never been interested in running a charity, nor have I done so
  • You are advised to do the work you get paid to do and go and hassle someone else
  • i am entitled to stand up for my legal rights as does everyone else
  • I always been entitled to have a child of my own and I don’t care what your problem with that is- the fact that some of you have tried to control my LIFE choices- MAKES YOU VIOLENT AND NOT ME


I am very pleased to have a trial date set for Cape Town in the next months where the truth will emerge as to whom the main culprits are to the damage caused me and to my boyfriend and our dog, in recent years and those people will be facing penalties.

I look forward to winning my current law cases (and getting all the money due to me )which I have prepared all on my own since no one agreed to assist me and where people have been intimidated not to assist me.

Dont expect me to prepare my legal papers and come running to you for you to win my cases based on MY  law papers where you get a cut of money for doing FUCK ALL.

Some of you will also be facing malicious prosecution charges and since all the damage occurred to me in Cape Town and since most companies have an office based in Cape Town- the Cape Town courts will have jurisdiction.

*Everyone knows something you don’t

*gratitude to many wonderful South Africans and other awesome people for their kind support of me

  • While in my early twenties, I spent hours watching Holocaust Movies from the Gitlin Library in CAPE Town, South Africa to understand the history of atrocities of the history  human race which inculcated in me  the importance of fostering human values towards preserving dignity and respect in society. These values have always been a healthy part of me.
  • In the uploads below, I can honestly say that I have never ever in my life been so disgusted as to when I worked for Lufthansa and their incompetent management team whose people have failed to realise that  I left in 2007,  never to return.
  • The reason I was victimized in the workplace when I worked for Lufthansa is because I was the only jew in the workplace and I reminded my ex boss of her jewish ex boyfriend who dumped her and because I was the oldest on the team and considered by her to be “the old apartheid regime”. I was also more experienced in management than the entire management team and they sought to use me and my skills to get a ladder up the rung.
  • All the copies of shifts in my possession were all given to me as were they given to every other team member and are therefore MINE to have and use towards proving how many hours of night shift I worked in the HIGH COURT.
  • The judgement of an incapable and unskilled person, constantly looking for arguments with+attention from me+ who has never changed her unacceptable bullying tactics, and seems to have forgotten that I RESIGNED in 2007, (never to return) and is most definitely no example to anyone as evidenced by her papers of 2013-2015, wasting my time and the people of South Africa  with more of their rubbish and their frauds.
  • I am aware that I have been a victim of immense defamation including an allegation of an unknown virus which can be easily refuted, since my blood count has always been NORMAL, despite the enormous undue suffering and stress that I have been exposed to for the last 15 years.
  • In 2009, I was given some excellent advice; be selfish with your love-
  • In 2012, I was given more excellent advice; dont waste your time argueing with intellectual midgets-
  • I was born to enjoy my life as I see fit with no less rights than others;I was born to have children, and I pray that that is still possible after all the harassment and bullying that I have been forced to endure unduly for 15 years by the travel industry and more who seem to think that bullying people is to be lauded and praised where in fact it is prime example of a deteriorated human brain.
  • According to the World Health Organisation, bullying is defined as any form of negative controlling behaviour that impacts adversely on others economically, psychologically and socially over a period of time.
    Therefore: FACEBOOK is Violent
    Sheryl SANDBERG is Violent
    Mark Zuckerberg is Violent.
    The United Nations is Violent
    Lufthansa is Violent
    First Rand Bank is Violent
    My family is violent
    The Jewish Community Services is Violent
    Pick n Pay is Violent
    The travel industry is Violent
    Most of my ex employees are violent
    Warren Krafchik is Violent
    Richard Branson is Violent
    Melinda Gates is Violent
  • Peter Greenwall is Violent
    Some Government agencies are Violent
  • *I welcome winning my cases in the HIGH COURT without any delays and receiving all monies due to me after all the suffering that I ,  have suffered here in Cape Town for the last years.
  • You dont need religion to know the difference between right and wrong, all you need to know is that google was compromised entirely in 2009 by project Aurora and that yahoo was breached several times over 2012 and 2014 by the United Nations hacker called Peace of Mind who did anything but that to millions of account holders incuding mine.

yahoo and google data breach











14199198_1804258613126464_185247734529753902_n14292490_1804258746459784_6098050222752028518_n14292507_1804258649793127_1644004703895016522_n14322709_1804258773126448_842142891542014729_nbecker perjurymckerchar unlawfully authorised (2)and not commissioned as per SA LAW

#proudly South African#Jewish#life#cape town



  • 532143_1439594006259595_689293612_n                THANK YOU

Abundance is nothing more than a euphemism for unjust enrichment and or theft. You dont go to Woolworths see a pile of cheese and say that Woolworths is abundant , do you? No, you know that the cheese has a price tag and that price tag must be paid in cash.2016

To any SOUTH AFRICANS who may have suffered losses: when you look up your cellphone number on the internet like I and Ricus have, you might find like us that your cellphone number has been tracked by European countries, where Ricus and myself have been in SOUTH AFRICA all this time and where neither of us have left the country and neither of us have been employed by anyone. How to put an end to this? I have no idea and hopefully someone can and very very soon!!


It’s not my job to sort out your problems, nor is it my job to explain your losses.That’s what you get paid to do. Nobody listens to hearsay anymore- most people are way too intelligent for that.


I am ungrateful for you ruining my economic opportunities.

I am ungrateful for all your lies although some of your lack of intelligence is proved by the lack of evidence you show..

I am ungrateful for having my business ruined.

I am ungrateful for working for people who have no qualifications.

I am ungrateful for having my legal studies discontinued.

I am ungrateful for having my car taken away from me.

I am ungrateful for having my health ruined.

I am ungrateful for being monitored by South Africans and foreigners alike.

I am ungrateful for having been evicted 5-6 times unlawfully

I am ungrateful for being kept hostage by the internet.

I am ungrateful for having all my clothes stolen from me.

I am ungrateful for having my legal papers tampered with and destroyed which is a criminal offence.

I am ungrateful for being treated like your toilet

I am ungrateful for being surrounded by drug addicts

I am ungrateful for being surrounded by people who thrive on unlawful behaviour

I am ungrateful for all the pain and suffering you have caused me for 15-20 years.

I am ungrateful for you trying to pin a criminal record of me

I am ungrateful for the department of corrections hacking my phone



I neither have any valid passport nor any desire to leave Cape Town and am ever grateful to the Courts of South Africa for enabling judgements based on honesty .

Thank you to the many Cape Townians generosity and kindness for buying fruit and vegetables from me today towards my legal papers towards good values. Love it!!

I really hope I win my forthcoming High Court matter for the progress of good values and salvation of the legal profession and can’t wait to get it in writing exactly where my Woolworths SA money is.

The remedy for Breach of contract  is to restore the situation to how it should have been.

The Remedy for a delict is compensation for the damage incurred and future loss to the estate for example future medical expenses. What happens when you have both?

when you look at Branson’s blog on the 23 July 2016 you will see exactly who has been tracking me; because they think they are funny by throwing toilet paper in a plane after my writing. #22 July 2016

letter to judge dennis davis

police hacked prior to the attempted murder of my person

housing tribunal2


Blumsohn hacking my mails on the day I was nearly murdered in 2012housing tribunal1



harolds bullying
















highlands house 2013-2015





receipts from rent


rent receipts1


expenses feb2011




kathy bullying




certificate of service (1)





confirmation of attendance to performance management (2)














store manager cert


sales assistant diploma


Sales Assistant Tygervalley


Trainee Manager2


truworthschatter (2)


Trainee Manager1










Blumsohn hacking my mails on the day I was nearly murdered in 2012






I generally prefer to celebrate the living.In memory of a solitary legend and International champion of Human Rights.Aleinu leshabeach Adon Hakol is central to Judaism and recited daily in gratitude of the wonderful gift of life and its blessings#July 14, 2016

“When a person doesn’t have gratitude, something is missing in his or her humanity. A person can almost be defined by his or her attitude toward gratitude.”
Elie Wiesel




13511028_1771788066373519_1313147461835725807_n Here is the question;  Why did it take so long for the money to be found when Tebbutt and Van Wijk were the area managers for both the V+A store and the Wynberg store?

Answer; It took so long because Van Wijk was having an affair with the Wynberg Store Manager who has been at Foschini for some years, while his wife was dying of cancer and he chose to prioritise his sex life before his duties to the company and enjoyed terrorising myself and Hector Van der Walt for weeks before the money mysteriously appeared.UNACCEPTAble!



Thanks to Ricus for introducing me to isotonic Game for instant rejuvenation of the brain cells-it’s the only game that Ricus and I have in our lives together.

13557878_1777415949144064_5068530702540471526_n.jpgjcs income.








While I am Jewish, you do not have to be Jewish or a Jew lover to understand that life is precious. And I say to everyone and anyone who has a healthy respect for life that while 40% of South African fuel comes from SASOL, the remainder comes from Saudi Arabia who are the prime funders of terrorist attacks world wide and that I see no reason to support a product which sponsors death and destruction.


The new rules for attorneys effective 01 March 2016 state that an attorney may enlist a 3rd party to investigate on their behalf, however I do not believe that the CAPE LAW SOCIETY condones that investigations may be done in my or anyone else’s mailbox.

The regulation requires amendments  because it also condones 3rd party hearsay information which is inadmissable in a court of law as per the Rules and Law of Evidence and certainly in my case, it does not condone retroactive mailbox ” investigations ” which have occurred since circa 2008.

I have always supported Woolworths South Africa as a proudly South African Brand which strives to promote the South African economy before others by stocking and supplying South African products before any others, by striving to be a brand ambassador for excellence , good values and excellent quality, for striving to be a trend setter and at the fore of South African innovation.bilberry cert city council

edited woolworths






The reason why there has been so much discrimination in facebook for years






As per the case of Stewart and Another v Botha and Another, 2008, decided in the Supreme Court of Appeals:’ To be human implies leading a life that is, as far as possible, free of deformities, pain, discomfort and suffering.’.


0honesty is the best policy   071076468(11) imagescape townbaby makes three     mm17-11234682_594622347333897_4833236158854335615_n I http://www.aircrewhealth.com/Topics/hazards/radiation.htm   Companies Act1966_44716364019_1496_ne  baby makes three

APRIL 2015:

karibucontract1contract3contract4karibusol2 2508150025081501

Since I have followed the protocol of the Protected Disclosures Act in its entirety, as per South African law, even as an ex employee, my disclosures of unlawful contracts including unlawful deductions due to management inability to run their businesses properly are entirely protected and may not be used against me in any way, nor for any future employment prospects.

I am sure that a company which values honesty and integrity will have no difficulty in hiring me as an employee here in Cape Town and that my male partner in life will feel the same way.