The truth about the money


Unmarried,Never married.No children

Years ago I worked for Truworths,PTY, Limited.

As a result of my success ,I was chosen to manage the flagship LTD brand, intense rivalry developed amongst the new managers in terms of who would be first to be promoted to senior management.

My new area Manager ,Henry Van Wijk, enjoyed pushing me around.And resenting my success, started to restrict my privileges.For example, I was no longer privy to choose the music for the store or to attend pre- selection of garments for the store.

Then van Wijk started threatening me that if my trainee manager, Hector, didn’t improve his handwriting, I would lose my job. Van Wijk was obviously bullying his way through the company determined to upset and annoy anyone ” in his way.”

Senta Van Der Merwe lost her option to be promoted through her abilities and therefore began a sexual relationship with loser Henry Van Wijk( a freemason),to advance herself, while his wife Chantelle was dying of cancer.

Whether she was rewarded financially for her affair-I have no knowledge thereof.

However, she moved over to the Foschini Group of Retail as a human resource Manager.

Within Truworths(PTY) Ltd, senior Manager, named Terri Murdock Coyle(married) had an extra marital affair with Michael Marks( a wealthy Jewish) CEO of Truworths.

She later blackmailed him for a property in St John’s Road,Sea Point, Cape Town.This can be verified with a Property search.

With all this sordid goings on in this company,with all those losers, I resigned and two other staff members resigned with me.

It turns out the lawyer for Truworths is family of the Osrin family that ran Foschinis.

And it turns out that this same lawyer appealed to Angela Merkel, to assist her in retrieving the Frank’s wealth lost to them during the Nazi occupation and that the Schaeffler family is involved with this.

Resulting in twenty billion loss to the Schaeffler family in the last year.

And that for some peculiar reason, this Frank family has attempted to destroy my life in the process where it has nothing to do with me.

I travelled to Europe with my mother’s blessing in June of 1993 and landed up in Vienna, after visiting France, Ireland and Italy .

The kind staff of the Jewish Synagogue in Vienna, took care of my suitcases until I was settled.

In Vienna, I bumped into a girl that I had met casually while working in the Tygervalley Store of Truworths(Pty)Ltd.

Her name was Duquesne Du Plessis and she had married Roger Hopley, a struggling musician.

She was no longer the chubby girl I had met while working in Tygervalley.She was emaciated,irritating and unpleasant to be around.

I recently found this letter that I sent my mother from Vienna, amongst her papers after her demise in November 2018. I had forgotten that Duquesne was a devious scammer, even then.

In retrospect, with him as a struggling musician, looking for a sponsor and her inheritance having being stolen by a friend of hers, it is highly unlikely she had any funds at her disposal, since she had earned a low salary as a sales assistant at ACA Joe,Tygervalley, and could not have gotten very much money from the sale of her old Volkswagen Beetle.

She was unemployed for 2 years in Vienna and was obviously prostituting herself for money which she never discussed and I never guessed either.

In 2013, we find her deliberately backing her car into some unexpected car.What a loser.

I had planned an extravagance for myself, but my credit card was inexplicably cancelled and so the search for employment began.

My then boyfriend, Stefan, found a notice at a hospital , by a doctor seeking an au pair for his new born baby.The job would be in one Vienna’s wealthiest districts and the father of the baby is a Jewish medical doctor and the mother is a child oncologist.There were two children,Benjamin and Naomi and I was hired to take care of baby Naomi. I applied and got the job immediately which I enjoyed until July 1994,when I left Vienna for Israel.

My then boyfriend,Stefan Egger, left for Omaha,Nebraska for an internship in medicine at an American Hospital in Omaha.We would never resume our relationship.

He was cruel to his mother, leaving her uncared for for years,while she ailed with Alzheimer’s Disease and was robbed regularly by strangers she allowed into her house due to her loneliness.I guess he was just waiting for her to die so that he could seize her assets.

To me, he was barbaric.He enjoyed my agony in sickness and took rent from me ,like a boarder, to pay for his pleasures in life.I did recover a part of it when he decided to use it towards my PADI Diving course and towards a ballroom class and towards our trip together to Israel in 1994.He had no affinity to children and I once discovered him rifling through my belongings which was a surprise and totally unacceptable to me.I was for sure not going to ever marry him.

In Israel, the freedoms I enjoyed as a person were the most glorious of my life, but because I had never done the Israeli Army and had few connections, finding suitable employment according to my University of Cape Town education and my Retail Management experience would be difficult.

After staying at my cousin Sue for about two weeks, in Haifa, I got a contact to work in hotels in Eilat.This proved to be a fun but very hard working experience.

I had no money at all since the ex boyfriend had taken a huge chunk of my earnings as an au pair, in rent and the idea of becoming financially independent was an opiate to me.

I received no government subsidy from the Israeli government and Eilat was ai tax free zone.

Fattal Hotels provided accommodation, transport to and from work and a great salary. I worked from 10 am through to Midnite every day of the month and received 4 days off a month.

I worked with top international chefs, namely Kurt Wasser of Switzerland and Miho Ucovic from Dubrovnik.(a new immigrant to Israel) and Rami Keinan- an excellent Israeli chef.

Miho was very protective over me as he had visited South Africa and fallen in love with the beauty of South Africa.

Miho’s main speciality was saving money for management and he is a genius at cost saving and spoiled his staff for covering for him and working their asses off in his kitchen. And a brilliant Chef.

If Miho left a hotel to open a new one, or to improve cost saving at one of David Fattal’s hotels, most of his staff left with him.Thats how much respect and love he had.

I worked for Miho Ucovic at the Holiday Inn Crowne Plaza,Eilat at the time Clinton and Rabin signed a peace treaty with Saddat.I remember seeing them walk through the hotel after meetings.

At the Holiday Inn, I ran the lobby restaurant on my own.The lobby restaurant provided for Room Service and the Lobby.I was visited by Management of all the Eilat Hotels with orders of food and often asked to prepare foods that were not on the menu. I enjoyed plenty people contact, as the Lobby kitchen was outside, on the terrace, facing the hotel pool.

Later, I was one of five cooks chosen to assist Holiday Inn, Jerusalem for David Fattal.We were each thanked personally by David Fattal,whom I never met.The same group of us were also sent to the Dead Sea Fattal Hotel for the same reason.I also received several customer compliments for excellent service and a free weekend at any Holiday Inn Hotel in the whole of Israel for my committment to excellence.

Miho later left Holiday Inn for the Royal Beach, Eilat.

I worked at the Royal Beach Hotel’s “Hemingway’s”- a small fish restaurant.I replaced a British cook, named Tamara, and worked with a German guy, named Stefan.At Hemingway’s, I introduced a new dessert and was rewarded in my salary with a bonus.The new dessert was vanilla ice cream with hot chocolate sauce and it was a winner. At that restaurant, I prepared all the entrees and all the desserts.There was no customer contact.

While at the Royal Beach, I was burnt on New Year’s Eve when the gas backfired in my face, upon lighting the gas stove to pre- grill the fish before service. I sued the hotel but only received 7000New Israeli Shekels.I was not part of the legal negotiations and have no idea why it was such a low settlement.

I stayed on at the hotel for a few months, but was terrified of lighting gas stoves from then.

I decided to move to Tel Aviv to improve my situation.I worked at “Picasso “Restaurant, preparing the entrees for an excellent French chef ,named, David.The restaurant was expensive, gourmet and very popular with an excellent reputation.I left after a few months needing to use my brains .

I got a job with David and Rachel Laor and an apartment on the corner of Bograshov Road. I paid for a typing class because I was typewriter ignorant and I was privileged to be accepted to the advanced francophone class of French students studying French at the French Embassy of Tel Aviv.

The job proved to be disappointing once I discovered that David Laor had stolen artifacts from the Israeli Army and was emotionally blackmailing wealthy investors for donations to his new venture, in exchange for the artifacts.

An example of this is Nadine Steinberg of Belgium. This job had been organised for me by Cynthia Maresky and her son Jonathan, who clearly believed that I deserved shit out of their own malicious personalities. I suppose Cynthia and Jonathan Maresky are losers and that is all they appreciate

My next job proved to be better.I worked for Berlitz International, teaching English to Israelis with the Berlitz method.

I met Yael Artsi, a wonderful Israeli sculptress who became my student and friend.I visited her at her studio in Acco and later met her wonderful daughter in Paris.

I was privileged to receive a contract to teach Business English to BBDO Marketing Department Tel Aviv and to several private classes.My students were amazing and all adult.Later I was invited to join the Sales Team of Berlitz Tel Aviv and was one of 11 selected to travel to Vienna to participate in an exclusive training course for Berlitz Israel’s best.

On the Vienna Berlitz Training class, I received great feedback from the facilitator of the course.I also met Stefan a few times.Retrieving all my possessions proved difficult as he did not want to return my goods and had placed them in a basement where some of my clothing had rotted from the damp.

There was a change in Management at Berlitz Ramat Gan, with a new Manager.I had been turned down to head up corporate Sales- they wanted me in Senior Management.Due to a personality clash with my prospective Branch Manager, I declined the opportunity to be Manager of Ramat Gan. I just didn’t like his manner even before working with him.The Tel Aviv Branch was disappointed at my refusal of such a “lucrative offer”and treated me poorly thereafter.I resigned within a short time.

I was looking for a job again and called Miho.I spoke to my mother.Miho had a job for me- to run the Breakfast Kitchen at a new Fattall Hotel, Le Meridien, but it would only start in December1998.

Then mysteriously, I got a call from Kurt Schaller, who headed up Siemens Operations.He offered me a post to manage a new development in Egypt.As a woman,and a Jewish woman, in the 1990’s, I did not believe that a woman would be regarded seriously in Egypt and did not regard this to be an opportunity of a lifetime.Later we discover that Kurt Schaller has direct family in the Catholic Church.Of course I accepted Miho’s offer.

Years later, after looking up Loser VanWijk’s curriculum vitae, I discovered that he had worked in Egypt for years before returning to South Africa. I also discovered that he had worked at Clicks with Cynthia’s niece Avril.So it’s clear he had been tracking me.

And it’s clear the Mareskys are brainless to rely on hearsay without bothering to clarify the facts.

I went back to South Africa for 3 months,staying at my mother in London Road, Sea Point.I worked for my friend Gabi Nahum delivering floral bouquets to Allan Gray,Samuel Seeff and more and had the pleasure and privilege of designing my own floral bouquets in the homes of very wealthy patrons of Gabi’s nursery.I earned a salary, I also sold my Virgin Active Life Membership to Gabi for R3000.00 since I wasn’t planning on returning at that stage.

Gabi Nahum was great to work for and gave me a car to use for deliveries and I could keep the car at home- which I did.Thank you Gabi for the great opportunity and for your friendship.

I returned to Eilat, Israel and joined Miho in opening Le Meridien for Fattal/Marriott International.I worked my ass off, literally and figuratively and ensured Breakfast was perfect, on time, everyday for over a year.I received an award from the Hotel Le Meridien as best chef DE partie and was very proud of my achievement.Miho was very hard to work for, but I learned a great deal from him and most of all it enforced in me to demand and expect the best always.

During my employment at Le Meridien, I had to return to Cape Town for a few weeks ,as my appointment to have my wisdom teeth removed at Tygerberg Hospital was scheduled,after waiting for months. In fact it was very hard for my mother as the day of my operation coincided with the day of the trial against my elder brother, Perry vs Liberty Life.

So, it looks more and more that Eleanor and her church activities were behind a lot of this.And loser Van Wyk. Woolworths Holdings, of which Truworths (Pty)Ltd is a subsidiary company, banked at Standard Bank at this time. I am guessing ,and it needs to be checked, that Van Wijk is one of the person’s which caused my elder brother so much aggravation. It’s also come to my attention that Tracy Reiff Frank is responsible for harassing my mother in my absence from South Africa, which she never discussed and which I only discovered post my mother’s demise having perused my mother’s papers since.

After running the Breakfast Kitchen for about a year, I requested a transfer to the elite, boutique restaurant Le Tricoleur( part of Le Meridien) .It was a novelty fusion kitchen with a Menu formulated by Israeli Chef, Zachi Buchchester.I was regarded as a zero by Zachi, but did the job( preparing entrees and desserts) expected of me with no complaints ever. I was often asked by visiting hotel management to prepare desserts that were not on the menu.Working hours were from 3pm to Midnite.After a few months, I paid and signed up for a Pastry class, run by a South American-Israeli chef ,named Gerardo. So I was studying from 8.00 am until 14.00 with the Pastry class and then went straight to work at the Hotel. After 4 months, I damaged my spine and was laid up for about 4 months, flat on my back, with an inflamed sciatic nerve.It took a full 2 years to regain no pain in the lower back after attending a gruelling chiropractic who damaged my back more than helped.What mostly helped me were group classes at the local Eilat Clinic in a mix of Alexander Technique and lower back lumbar strengthening exercises. I spent a small fortune on phone calls to my mother in Cape Town.

I remember asking myself frequently if God was trying to tell me to get out the kitchen and use my brains more.

I resigned from Le Tricolour and Le Meridien after my back injury and sought a desk job.I moved to Royal Park luxury apartments and began working as a sales consultant to the Underwater Observatory in Eilat.They had travel desks at all the hotels and we sold daily excursions which included yacht cruises, jeep safaris, water sports, visits to the Underwater Observatory, trips to Petra, Egypt and the Sinai.We marketed the casino in Tabah, restaurants, horse riding, trips to Timna Park, snappeling, and diving excursions in the Sinai and more.Each company offered each consultant one free trial to ensure sales consultants knew what they were selling and could close the deal with knowledge.The best consultants were treated with unlimited free opportunities as a reward for excellence.I was fortunate to be in the “best seller” category.

As the antifada closed off more and more foreign travel to Israel, so did we experience harder financial opportunities and less income since Eilat was a tourist town that had not marketed itself to the rest of Israel as a prime getaway spot.Companies sent groups to visit Eilat and dominate the hotels but the local wealthy Israelis did not visit Eilat.There were also no opportunities for me to advance as Eilat was xenophobic.

Meanwhile, who turns up like a “bad penny”?Duquesne and her husband pitch up in Eilat.While managing an Underwater Observatory travel desk at the 4 star hotel Neptune, I spot Duquesne du Plessis/Hopley ,the serial stalker, working in the Neptune Hotel.We never socialised.I don’t even know how long she stayed in Eilat.And I don’t care.

On one occasion, several of us(Shirley, Claudia and more). had to hand in our daily takings to a central collection point, at the Holiday Inn Crowne Plaza.The money was allegedly stolen.The person who received the money was Eytan Azoolay of the Underwater Observatory.The money was never signed for, nor receipted by the acceptee.

I was blamed ,though it was never discussed.

On another occasion, I had trained up a new sales lady. I went to visit her at her desk one day to check up on her.She was busy with a sale with people that had previously bought from me and we greeted each other. I bumped into the same clients again and they expressed dissatisfaction with the sales lady I had trained and wanted to close the deal with me.So I closed the deal with them.When Limor Bitton discovered I had closed the deal with them, she was furious with me.I explained to her that they approached me to close the deal and after looking at her pricing, I pointed out to her that she had not quoted them correctly.Still she was furious.I offered to go half- half with her.She refused.SO, I kept the entire deal for myself.She complained bitterly.

Some months later, I mentioned to my mother that I was being placed at the prestigious Hilton Hotel.My mother must have pleaded with the hotel to help my sales because the next thing, the Hilton Hotel Reception broached me with an offer to plan and sell 3 days of corporate bus travel for a company visiting the Hilton Hotel.Lucky me, I made a sale of over twenty thousand shekels.I never got paid in full for that deal by my superiors Etta Shapiro and her vice, Lily.

The postcard below also shows that emails at Aida Atlantic were tampered with resulting in me having to contact my mother with regular post as far back as 2001.

For about 9 months I replaced Hanni Rubin as Manager of the Jewellery Stores at the Underwater Observatory while she was pregnant.And I remember a particular instance of one of my sales ladies complaining that I had sold a ring to a customer which was her customer. As manager, I gave her the sale back but wanted her to learn that if you conduct a sale up until the payment goes through, then the sale is not concluded.And that next time, she should agree with the customer to put the ring in the safe for X days with the customers name on it.Then if the sale is not concluded, she has lost the sale and that if a sale is later concluded, it belongs to the second person.She was most unreasonable, and snotty and complained about me bitterley.

Never the less, I ,as her manager,had granted her the sale.But this “South African foreigner” was not going to “teach” her anything.She knew everything “better”….

Little did the staff know that I was asked to fire 4 staff members due to failure to meet sales targets during wartime.( The anti fada was war time).I fought bitterley to retain all of them but with fewer hours all round just so every family would be able to have food on their dinner tables.

Did I, the “South African foreigner” get a word of thanks? Not one word of thanks.

During the time I worked at the Jewellery Store, it was discovered that the Underwater Observatory was contravening labour law in terms of the hours we worked at the sales consult desks selling travel excursions.So I requested my Provident fund early before resigning from the company and got it.The legal matter was pursued and later dropped by myself, as I had returned to South Africa and the Underwater Observatory tried to impoverish me by constantly changing court dates.I estimated that the cost for me to travel to Israel and back to South Africa and pay for accommodation would exceed the amount of money owed me and I therefore dropped my case against them.

My aunty Marcia Weiner had kindly offered me Voyager points for a return trip to Israel ,from Cape Town, with South African Airways,which I accepted, but further costs would exceed the amount owing to me.

Due to the antifada and fewer sales, I had to leave my luxury apartment at Royal Beach and moved into a tiny but elegant flat in the Eilat suburbs for a more manageable rental.

Monies received from Fluxman,sent to my mother, and then sent to me had been deposited in Aviva Gilad’s bank account as I had no foreign currency account.Miho had not wanted to get involved with my money and so Aviva assisted.Little did I know.Aviva used my money, without my consent, to get herself a Visa credit card, so that she would have money to travel to Malta and Ethiopia.After she received her credit card, she gave me my money.Then she rented me her apartment for a lower rental than previously.

Having found Aviva. Gilads bank account details amongst my deceased mother’s papers, I am sure we will find out who paid Aviva Gilad off and who she paid off. What is clear is that Aviva Gilad has undergone plastic facial surgery and changed her surname along with her one son.(so it’s clear she has been involved in dubious activities).Both her sons did Israeli military service and she never discussed what she did in Malta.

I was unemployed for months in Eilat, no one would give me a job.All those companies that I had sold thousands of dollars to as, “a best seller,” wouldn’t offer me a single job.I landed up walking the entire Eilat, collecting empty bottles for which I got paid money at the local supermarkets for recycling.Aviva, the landlord, tried to put up my rent and cut off my television perks while she was in Ethiopa with her Ethiopian boyfriend.

All my savings were dwindling.It was time to go home to South Africa.

All of these employment details and financial transactions can easily be verified by the World Bank, Safra Bank ,Queen ElizabethII, the Duke of Cambridge, Vladimir Putin and President Trump himself.

I get back to Cape Town, South Africa, towards the end of October, 2003. I see my elder brother, Perry, very briefly ,arranged by my mother, at the Victoria and Alfred Waterfront.He looks very angry.My mother is uncomfortable and no one really expresses anything meaningful.There is a terrible rift in the family and it’s obvious.

Two weeks later,Perry Ashley Ment is no more with us after suffering a heart attack while saving two civilians in Pringle Bay,after their boat capsized at sea.The National Sea Rescue,headed by Rhine Barnes was overwhelmingly supportive to my mother and they prepared an album in his honour,which I now have and have read.

The Department of Transport, headed up by Jeffrey Radebe, honoured Perry Ashley Ment and my mother was invited to a special ceremony in his honour.

So now I am back in Cape Town, my mother is living on an oil rag( no money) and the only money I have is about R10000(the money I received from Fluxmans via my mother,via Aviva Gilad).I apply for a job through the Jewish Board of Deputies and there is “no employment.”

My money is getting used up on “socialising”, in the hopes of finding a job through networking.No job.My money is getting used up on day to day expenses and food shopping for my mother because she is living on tomato sandwiches because she has no money.Staffwise has no job for me though I visit them three times. My mother even calls the Managing Director of @home on my behalf.(The Foschini Group)- nothing available.Well it’s 6 months that I am back in Cape Town and no job yet and my mother is sitting on shpielkes(very anxious).

I am most appalled at the way in which the Jewish Community of Cape Town treated my poor mother who never explained to all of us children what was going on.I am most appalled at the shocking way in which Milton Kellman was so miserly with my mother.As you can see, she was barely earning between R4500.00 to R7500.00 per month with no basic salary from Aida Atlantic,run by Milton and Louise Kelman.Zero sympathy for the widower,zero sympathy for the woman who lost her first born to fraudsters.Zero sympathy and only pressure on a woman who suffered with hypertension and he knew it.

When you read through the High Court case of Milton Kelman/Louise Kelman otherwise known as AIDA Atlantic versus Cluttons, you will find that the Kelmans hid their money in property and in Australia and then set about showing the Court that AIDA Atlantic was barely solvent. The Kelmans sought to have an exclusive mandate over a development scheme from which they were precluded in writing and when the Kelmans lost their fictitious law case, they also lost their main investor.

I am not Milton or Louise Kelman.My law cases actually do have merit and are based on fact and not entitlement. Discovery of evidence will later show why my mother was Mal treated.

The reason why Rael Levitt was defrauded of his business is because he was named as the Kelmans liquidator.If you know estate law, you understand that the liquidator manages the assets, credit and debt.So it’s clear that Kelman didn’t want Rael to have access to the assets.

So, now, to cut a long story short, It is suggested to me , by Staff wise, the employment sector of the Cape Town Jewish Board of Deputies, to apply to Lufthansa for a job.

After 4 years of hell with them, including extortion, verbal abuse, bad labour practises, an unqualified management team, constant health problems, shift work that leaves me constantly irritable and poor , I have had more than enough.

I do not consider them “an investor” because they took more than they invested.This topic will be dealt with more fully later.I seek alternate employment.Nothing.

Then Joanne Staffed Benjamin, of Staffwise, tells me that I can’t apply for a new job until I resign.So I resigned.

Staffen Benjamin then recommends me to a ten thousand Rand per month job(same salary) at Mark Solomon Jewellers where a large amount of business was done with Russian prostitutes.( As if that interests me) and there is more bullying by the CEO to me and all the staff.) So, I resign. Now Staff wise tells me, ( huge manipulation) “because you are so difficult, we cannot place you anywhere for employment”.

And I said to them, don’t you have any honest people on your employment lists because so far all you have done is placed me with fraudsters.

Is that a difficult problem to solve?

Meanwhile, besides paying my rent, and going to work, I had started studying law through UNISA, requiring maximum personal responsibility and self motivation.I worked very hard and was proud to receive distinctions for Jurisprudence and Private Law 1.

The only reason I failed Accounting for lawyers was because while employed at Mark Solomon’s Jewellers, I had an abscess in my tooth and became a little ill after being forced to work in an office where the fluorescent tube had exploded, working with fluorescent gas surrounding me.So, my study pace at Accounting was affected adversely.

After resigning my job and Staffwise refusing to assist me find employment, the Jewish Board of Deputies refused to assist me with a study loan to complete my studies. That is idiot Cynthia again.

So they would help me get a job with fraudsters, but not help me advance my intelligence or strive for better in my life.

So, I am looking for a job again.I look from the Sea Point library, I use the Chinese internet service at the top of my road( Hall Road, Sea Point) and I use the internet service in Main Road Sea Point ( which doesn’t exist any more) near the Kentucky Fried Chicken.

I apply for a job at DAV recruitment and I am invited to Joburg for an interview. I stay at my amazing brother, his wife and children.My brother hoping for my success, even drives me to and from the interview.

After the interview, I am told that I am not suitable.

Whether it was a ploy just to get me to waste more of my money, I will never know, because I was refused a reason for the refusal even though it is lawful to request and receive a reason.

What I do know is that DAV is a recruitment office specifically used by Global Telesales/Lufthansa.

I sign up for Trump University to help motivate me for success.I run a beach clean up next to the Sea Point swimming pool with Penelope Chaney, from SanParks and we dredge up 40 kilogrammes of debris from the beach.I try networking for a job and no one is interested.

I even got accepted to a course at Trump University, but there was no money for it and I certainly wouldn’t do a marketing diploma/ degree if I ever choose to study again.

Then I negotiated a meeting with Woolworths Holdings to buy dairy free ice cream from me en masse.I took the idea and a sample to Britta Sinn.She loved my ice cream even though she is diabetic.She agreed to manufacture the ice cream at her factory and she came with me to Woolworths where I presented my product.We discussed and agreed upon sizes, pricing and flavours.They wanted a plain white ice cream and a melon flavour, in keeping with future health trends. I haven’t seen the money from that yet either.And Woolworths holdings Cape Town, did stock dairy free ice cream from December 2011 onwards for several years.

Britta is a very nice person and it happens that she was friends with Eileen ,the ex wife of Steven from Woolworths Financial Services.

I work for Solitaire Hayes for 5 months and receive cash in hand on the day of working and I sign up at Central Castings to work as an extra on film ads. Very little money, but at least it is something.

Meanwhile creditors are hammering at me almost daily and I have a small accident with my car. Waiting for the green light, I light a cigarette and the car in front of me rolls back and hits my car.The car is taken to an Outsurance recommended panel beater which unbeknown to me and Outsurance, is in the process of liquidation.

The panel beater tried extorting me for thousands of rands which I don’t have and won’t meet me half way even though I have a lucrative job offer.

Realising that Wesbank were in the wrong and that I was telling the truth, Wesbank wrote off my remaining debt of R23K off my car plus the R1800.00 on my Discovery Card.

Clearly First National Bank South Africa,Discovery,Edgar’s, Wesbank and myself are clear that I have brains and am honest.

The panel beater literally steals my car and sells it to defray his debt.

It turns out the panelbeaters lives in Hout Bay and so does/ Roswitha Becker.

Then I signed up at Alfa modelling agency for more film ads.

Then I get lucky enough to be cast three times as a “featured character” on the Runaways- a British series. I was thrown out of Standard Bank just before payment was due and I never ever saw the money that was due to me for those appearances.

It is possible that that money paid off the remaining debt on my Standard Bank account.

I open up an account at Nedbank, Sea Point.From the moment I opened my Nedbank account, I had nothing but aggravation.

Cynthia Maresky offered me R5000.00(five thousand rands) which would help me start a “cooking business”.The money was deposited in my new Nedbank account.I had agreed with Barry Berkowitz to use a spot in his kitchen in Arthur’s Road.On the day the money came through, Barry Berkowitz, family of Rabbi Maisels, cancelled my premises.

The father of the owner of my flat gets all rude with me.And the next thing, Ivan Klitzner’s law practise starts to push me around like Kelman did to my mother. I get evicted from 402 Dunhoff, Hall Road and extorted for R15000.00 which I don’t have, shortly after securing 2 jobs at the V&A Waterfront, Cape Town.And where the magistrate cancelled any and all debt upon evicting me.

There was no loan made to me of R15000.00 as “claimed” by the disbarred lawyer.Verified by Standard Bank and Nedbank statements.

I start to work at Cleo and at Karibu restaurant. I place all my possessions in storage and sold much of my furniture to Cash Crusaders as well as my beloved Carol Boyes vase and my vacuum cleaner.

I stayed in backpackers for accommodation as there was insufficient money for rental accommodation. Someone I vaguely know allowed me to stay in his empty flat in Goodwood.Then the bullying started at Karibu restaurant and I couldn’t take it.I was deliberately given tables in the worst section of the restaurant and about R750.00 was extorted from me by Bruce McGregor of same restaurant.

During my employment at Cleo Waterfront ,I had to demand my Sunday pay which had not been included in my wages for 8 months. Once my contract lapsed, I was not requested to renew my contract.

The person who had allowed me to stay in his townhouse had refused to allow me to pay rent or even electricity.But as I did not explain to him why I was not working at the restaurant anymore, he believed that I simply did not want to work and as such, requested I leave his flat.

I moved to Napier Street, homeless shelter,where I paid for minimal accommodation. I met a charming woman, named Eileen who lives in Mouille Point.Eileen gave me R1500.00( one thousand five hundred rand) out of the goodness of her heart.She invited me to live with her, but I hesitated / declined as I did not wish to be a burden on her.Later, her servants ensured I had no contact with her.She seems to have been friends with Britta Sinn and her ex husband,Steven, worked for Woolworths Financial division. Later I moved to the Carpenter Shop for homeless persons.

I had just stopped working and had applied for unemployment insurance when Nola Riley and her husband evicted me from the Carpenter Shop State shelter.

Until today, I have not yet received my final/ last 3 weeks of Unemployment Insurance Fund payment.

Who do I know has a Nedbank account? Cynthia Maresky and Lufthansa Airlines and Hector Van Der Walt.( My ex trainee supervisor with the shocking handwriting, from Truworths).

You wish I had Allzheimers.

So now the State has evicted me and two days later, I get my first Unemployment Insurance Fund payment.

For some strange reason, I go and visit my ex neighbours at Dunhof to see if there is any post for me.I bump into Celia,who lived on my floor, one flat away and she offers me interim impromptu accommodation with her.I sleep on her couch for two months. I buy my own food.During this time, she urges me to contact the Jewish Community for accommodation assistance.I am knitting scarves to keep me busy and using public internet services to find employment.

Celia has since passed away.

Jewish Community offers me paying accommodation at 3 Gorge Road, Vredehoek.

I open a new bank account at Capitec, Adderley Street, Cape Town.

I am not allowed to be employed or run a business while collecting unemployment. So I sit around doing not much other than pay rent and previous accounts and knit scarves.

I even paid debt that had been written off, so I definitely don’t owe anyone any money.

As soon as my UIF is paid, I get accepted to the St George’s Mall Food Market ,Tokai Market and Long beach Mall to sell home made dairy free ice cream and have the Department of Health certify the kitchen at 3 Gorge Road, Vredehoek, as suitably hygienic for my small business.

I had a Twitter account which was stalked by the Airport Authority and I spot Deborah Jowell at Long beach Mall as well as Lisa Huang at St George’s Mall Market.

The aging housemates sabotaged my business and entered my room in my absence, rifling with my clothes and personal effects. Since I am an A type personality, I always know when my clothes or papers have been “rearranged” in my absence.

I am selling exceptionally well at Long beach Mall ,Noordhoek, Pre Christmas of December 2011, when I go to make a purchase at Woolworths and discover they have launched Dairy free ice cream on December 5 of 2011. Well,well, I am furious.

So, the aging housemates sabotaged my business, they stole food from me and then called in the police ,complaining about my electric hand beater being a public disturbance.When the police laughed them off, they ran to Greenberg Law to have me thrown out the house.Eviction 3. and meanwhile MY idea and work has been stolen by a 3rd party and sold to Woolworths. I was also now banned from the Staffwise building.

I was never ever given an opportunity to explain, simply accused of trash hearsay and disposed with.

Now, I get invited by Adin Van Rijneveld to go and stay at “Penthouse on Long” backpackers in Long Street, Cape Town, which is no longer, but was exactly on the other side of the Labour Court in Bree Street.

There is a vacancy for a breakfast cook as their cook was going on leave back to Zimbabwe.

I will get paid a salary of about R2000.00 plus get accommodation with Noeline van Loggerenburg.

I got a few extra tips from clients full of praise for me.The staff really enjoy my food.And the lady in Zimbabwe gets nervous that her job is lost to me, so she sabotaged me from Zimbabwe, with the entire staff.

Alex Dowling gets neurotic about me seeing children in my future and cannot even be friends with me.Later, I catch him and his sister hacking my Facebook and email accounts from London( where he is) and the University of Pretoria( where his sister is studying).Probably just a cover up for the fact that Adin sold my ice cream recipe, without my consent, to a friend of his.

Of course, Adin went around telling everyone that “Michelle is at Penthouse” and the idiots of the United Nations( who hack the entire Facebook) believed that I was a prostitute working for Penthouse Magazine.

Well, they scammed me by suggesting that I make my dairy free ice cream to sell on the rooftop on weekend parties.She keeps the grocery list from Pick n Pay and Adin negotiates a sell with the owner of “Honest Chocolate” behind my back.And “Honest Chocolate”, in Cape Town starts making and selling dairy free ice cream.

Then they are all going on Africa Burn Cape Town.I am now finished my cooking contract and Noeline kindly suggests I paint a mural on a toilet door and touch up the mural on the wall facing the toilets for money , do clothing alterations and make carpets for AfricaBurn, so I have a roof over my head.

After they get back from AfricaBurn, and return my ice cooler box( that was taken without my consent), I am told to leave .

No reason, but obviously after stealing my ice cream recipe and making a profit off me behind my back, they don’t want me to see how they profitted off me behind my back.

So, now I am homeless and in a panic.Chabad DE Jaeger gives me the number of someone,in Woodstock who may have a room for me.So, I take the chance.After staying in Graham Abbott’s house,at 56 Scott Street, Woodstock, for a week, he basically made it clear that he expected everyone in the house to do his alterations for him in exchange for accommodation .

That was not my plan.I am MONEY.I tried selling my knitted scarves, by going door to door to every business in Woodstock, walking my beautiful Aldo camel coloured boots right through.

The housemates did not stop interfering with me and I watched how they abused two baby children in the house.

I told them that if they do not stop interfering with me, they will be sorry.So, now they are scared of me because two in the house(Yolanda and her boyfriend) are drugging it up and the other couple are illegal immigrants abusing two baby children.I come home late one night and Yolanda and the Mozambique girl attack me in my room physically.I take out my rolling pin to defend myself.The Mozambique girl destroys my rolling pin and holds the steel rod of inside the rolling pin at my throat to kill me.Her face, which I will never forget, was a face of such rage and hatred that it is indescribable.

Just then the entire room goes quiet for me.I stood, what felt like hours,with the steel rod at my throat, and then she removed her arm and the rod.

Later, I opened and downloaded my Facebook data of that night and all data preceding the event.My cousin Joy, from Klerksdorp saved my life that night by sending me a message at the precise moment that that girl held the steel at my throat.

That night the police eventually arrived after the neighbours heard me screaming.I slept at the police station for a week and when I returned to the house two weeks later, most of my personal effects had been stolen from me and probably sold for drug money. I opened a case of theft against the house which was only dealt with two years later in the Magistrates Court by Adiel Jansen, who thought it was a game to extort me.I received R7000.00 from goods worth over R50000.00(fifty thousand) .And the only reason I got any money is because Paula Ranson, married to Ranson of the Department of Transport, failed to comply with the law which requires a second hand shop to keep a register of the identity of people who sell second hand goods to a store.

Upon recent checking, we find Graham Abbott scammed Oprah Winfrey for money in January 2012, so he certainly had money to pay professionals to fix his house ( despite his admission which is a lie)and he was simply extorting people to do his work for him for free in the same way he boasted about stealing electricity from Eskom by using traffic lights for electricity instead of paying for it.

There is also video footage showing Graham Abbott busy with church person, Samantha Pegg, at this time.(which the SA Police Services received). And there are suggestions that Abbott bought himself a backpacker in Muizenberg, with Winfrey’s money.

We also have evidence of Pegg and her ex husband linked to Hetzner internet provider, linked to Angela Merkel and to St George’s Cathedral, Cape Town, home of the lice socialists.

What is clear from the correspondence below is that Abbott knew Ebin and knowingly let a hardened criminal into the house in my absence,to join the other criminals in the house.

So far it looks like we have an international criminal ring stealing from honest people and scamming billionaires to sponsor their illegal activities.

After Graham Abbott there were 6 months of homelessness during which time I slept under cars to keep me warm, slept in internet cafes to avoid being mugged and knitted and sold scarves for money for food.

Then I approached Jewish Community Services in about September/ October 2012 for financial assistance.

Accommodation was provided me at 179 Loop Street, Cape Town and another eviction by Oliver Darnell.

It would be another two years before accommodation was granted me by Jewish Community Services where 2/3 of my monetary allocation was used paying my rent at 8 Prince Court, Prince Street and another eviction after being harassed by criminals in Cape Town.

Also it is clear from my factual life documentation that I never left Cape Town.I never worked for the United Nations, O Bama’s corrupt administration or the corrupt Budgeting Partnership in Washington and I never was Angelina Jolie or Brad Pitt or Amal Clooney the hacker loser who sat in my Yahoo account along with many others.

Factual data proves beyond a reasonable doubt that Brett Shuttleworth’s IP number 221.97….contacted Fiona Sacks at Jewish community services to sell her wellness trips to Bali.The IP address 221.97 is a German Hetzner IP address linked directly to German Lufthansa and the St George’s Cathedral of Cape Town.By emailing Fiona Sacks of the Jewish Community, St George’s Cathedral and Lufthansa hacked into the entire Jewish community thereby reducing the Jews of Cape Town’s financial viability and affected World Wide reduction of Jewish wealth.

They hacked into Brett Law, my aunty Marcia’s one attorney, into the City Council via Frederick Kerr Campbell, into Slick Restaurant via Ian Halfon and many more. As Shuttleworth’s fortunes grew, mine declined in direct proportion as can be seen via Facebook.

Since St George’s Cathedral “entertained ” the British Royal Family on several occasions, it is also possible that Queen Elizabeth II and her immediate family also suffered losses since it is well known that the African National Congress despised the British aristocracy and was socialist/ Marxist at its core and Merkel is notoriously socialist.

Nor is my family directly responsible for any of this since I had blocked my family from my Facebook for years and they were victims of extortion just like myself.

Now when we look at Angela Merkel’s career, we see that she was not recognised as being an expert in research, in science or energy and nature conservation.She definitely was no Albert Einstein.

Merkel was hired by Helmut Kohl to head up the Department of Youth and women for four years.She either was bored or didn’t do a great job, as four years later she was moved over to the Dept of Conservation and Nuclear Energy.

Her last position only lasted two years before she was thrown out of government entirely.If she had had an illustrious, successful career, then she( like others before and after her) would have been able to walk into any excellent, well paid position.

But she didn’t So she was either a massive disappointment to Kohl’s government and / or committed fraud or worse.Then we see her work for the church for years and it is the church that gets her elected as Chancellor of West Germany.

More over, her right hand man is Schauble who never gets any opportunity to advance anywhere else, because without him, Merkel is lost.So, this is the start of women abuse of men and the manipulation of Merkel to use anyone to help her succeed at the expense of other people and this is the trend of the last twenty years, exacerbated by the internet in which she is directly implicated.

Along side this, in circa 2008 onwards, British historians start questioning the validity of the Tudor/Windsor/Mountbatten royal family and suggest that King Edward IV is illigitimate and that Queen ElizabethII is a “fake queen”.

Since the Royals were always fully documented, it is clear that there is no mention of any “difficulty” in or a prolonged pregnancy.The only argument is whether the Law of consanguinity or the Law of Conquest takes precedent.

The story of beautiful Lady Flora Hastings seems to have captured the eyes of the historians.She was deliberately disgraced by Queen Victoria’s line since she was a threat to the illigitimate kingdom, being directly in the line of Royalty via consanguinity.Lady Flora was deliberately scandalized by the court and the public threw eggs on Queen Victoria in their outrage and defence of Lady Flora.Hence the subsequent targeting of all the dominant blonde women destined for success.

So here is the “golden opportunity” disgruntled socialists use to blame all the wealthy for their woes and to begin stealing from and discrediting the wealthy.Hence, the Jews and every billionaire is scammed for money by socialist retrobates who believe they are “entitled” to redistribute world wealth.

The socialists hack themselves jobs in all the wealthy companies and erode the wealth for themselves and then accuse the aristocrats of being unduly “greedy” and selfish ignoring the fact that that the majority of wealthy companies have worked their asses off to create that wealth and employ thousands of people who would not have food on their table if it were not for those ambitious, hard working wealth companies.

It should be noted that while the ANC was using St Georges Cathedral to hack for wealth, Zille of the “Democratic Alliance” was being advised by Warren Krafchik and his crowd of lice socialists.

Hence we have evidence of the disgruntled socialists hacking, aiding and abetting Birgit Thuemeke ( of Lufthansa) steal my Woolworths money and lie about me having the money, resulting in every asshole of the world try extort me and my family for money we do not have. Then Birgit Thuemeke opens an event company and poses as an “investor of small companies” with my money and enlists Dr Rajen Kilijan( an Indian billionaire) to cover her ass.

Later, they try and scam Jeff Bezos for ten million dollars.

And more than that, we have evidence of Roswitha Becker defrauding the Cape Town courts with fraudulent and fictitious law cases against me, just to cover up the fact that Lufthansa stole my money. And to make matters worse, there is evidence of Becker and Dr Rajen Kilijan scamming my family for money even after their grand larceny and fraud.

Then we have all the evidence of DE Lille’s fraud and extortion as well as her abusing the High Court with a labour matter and extorting the private sector to fund herself, the IDC and her corrupt “Good” Party as well as theft of a million rands from my company which has yet to be returned to myself.

And after all of that, we have evidence that Global Load Control, a subdivision of Lufthansa GmbH only registered for tax ten years after it commenced business, rendering all their legal actions and applications as useless, fabricated null and void abuses of myself, my family, the law courts, the banks and of South Africa.

A subsidiary theme has been running through the Internet for years.There exists a false notion of admiration for Alma Smith( Freemason).As a result of the Jews giving up Alma Oil Fields- for the sake of peace, the Jews lost income of over a billion US Dollars in oil barrels.This has caused the Saudis much enjoyment at the Jews expense and for this reason they joined forces with all the Airlines, using every possible internet server to encourage air travel so they would profit financially.

So the constant repetitive barrage of the name “Alma”,via the Internet, the last 30 years, is a reference to the Oil Field and not the corrupt idiot that has been running the corrupt Magistrates Courts of Cape Town.

They must be crying now and considering the fact that there has been no peace in Israel for decades, I would strongly advise Israeli leaders to reclaim Oil Field Alma on the basis of breach of agreement.

You will take your verkakde causes out of my face.

That also means that I don’t create an online shop on SHOPIFY which necessitates a contract with someone in Ontario and enables “someone” in Singapore to copy my products and mass manufacture them for 2 cents in the name of farcical BLM.

When your company is not registered, and you dare to file legal action and/ or legal applications against a third party, you can expect to have all your legal matters declared null and void.

No legal firm assisted me what so ever.

While some of you may not understand why all this has happened to me and my immediate family it is basically a case of Kerzners vendetta against my family which spiralled out of control.

It started with the murder of my Uncle Aubrey, progressed to the death of my father who used Standard Bank Auspannplatz, my elder brother by Kerzner in Standard Bank and then onto myself and my now deceased mother.

All the people who caused damage to myself and my immediate family are connected to the Kerzner group.

The Jews of South Africa couldn’t tolerate SOl Kerzner so he turned to the UAE for financial assistance.When he became wealthy he donated money to the Gardens Synogogue and the Jews were so scared of his wealth that they did everything he asked of them, including having my elder brother, Perry, thrown in jail and myself thrown into the street 8 times , where his trash were encouraged to take anything and everything of mine.

Through his correspondence with the UAE, the entire Jewish community of South Africa became infested with UAE illuminati who took pleasure in destroying wealth of South African Jewry.

Brandon Kerzner, Sol Kerzners son has been very involved in the ONE Organisation which is the causal link between all the corruption.

The most vicious one being Minnie Dlamini,of the Kerzner group, (whom I have never met)hacked my HUAWEI phone for over a year,got herself appointed as “their ambassador” and got the entire South African Broadcasting Corporation to hack my accounts, creating endless unnecessary drama for years on the entire internet with her malicious, corrupt stupidity.

And it is to be noted that she travelled to the United Arab Emirates for Kerzner and to Russia – and not I. And has dared to accuse me of being some sort of “spy” while Standard Bank and myself know that people from BellaRusso have hacked Standard Bank and that it is probably a result of her instigation.

It is not surprising that her husband is so disgusted with her that he ran away from her and she is do desperate that she is stalking him on Social media.

Its always a case of the liars accusing other people .#liars lose their status

They are all liable for theft and grand larceny of myself, my family, the law courts, the banks and the entire South Africa.This lying piece of trash hacked my accounts and petitioned some of the billionaires for funds ” on my behalf” while she kept everything for herself.

Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Warren Buffett and Wendy Appelbaum are all after her for sabotaging their enterprises.

Lastly we have Advocate(Acting Judge) Hayley Maud Slingers who stole a paper from my law case confirming her corruption.

The South African Land Bank and the SHERRIFFS Office are currently liquidating all Justice Department Corruption which is why they are in crisis.

Thanking all those who have petitioned the Chief Justice of South Africa on my behalf and on behalf of my family and friends whom I blocked from my social media for years.

The current scandal with Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, while none of my business, strikes me as yet another example of ignorant lazy little tramps just trying to make a buck off the wealthy and the only reason they are targetting Ghislaine Maxwell is because she is due to inherit Epstein’s entire estate. No one ever lodged a complaint against Hugh Heffner, pornographer of 40 years, but come the massively wealthy Jew, and those useless little bitches have their claws for his money.

No evidence, no photographs of scandal and those girls could have gotten themselves a decent job instead of hanging around an “alleged exploiter of women” for years.

Thanking Howard Richman, President Trump, FLOTUS,the Republican Party and security officials for their support which is mutually beneficial and looking forward to a successful resolution.Meaning, financial remuneration for myself and my immediate family.

From President Trump I am specifically requesting asset forfeiture of the Budgeting Partnership and the One Organisation with incarcerations and the death penalty for those responsible for conspiracy to destroy the fabric of democratic principles,on charges of fraud, subversion, anti American and anti Democratic principles and behaviour, charges of terrorism and theft and for the money they have stolen to be returned to the relevant people.

Because they know exactly who they transferred the money to.They did it wilfully and knowingly.


Cape Town,SOUTH AFRICA, 2020

Thanking you for returning all my money to me

The ex CEO of Global Telesales. Partnered with an Indian billionaire, who is not very wealthy, compared to the Bloomberg index of current billionaires.

The ex CEO, Birgit, and Dr Raj stole my Woolworths money and fed it to the fraud socialists which is why the thievery permeated into the United Nations.

Birgit uses MTN which is why MTNclients suffered losses.

Birgit and DR Raj hacked into yahoo, Gmail, Microsoft and Zoho and ” played” games with all the contacts in those servers.

The ONE Organisation, Dr Raj and the Airport authorities hacked into webmail and Twitter.

And Bono now knows all about it.

So now , Bono will be like my mother with everyone chasing after him and his connections for all the money stolen from myself, my family and the private sector.In fact it’s already happening.

They obviously all have shit for brains if they need to steal for money and information.

If I ever meet Warren Krafchik in person, I would probably drown him in the bath tub

Dr Raj also donated heavily to Boston University and then partnered with Bill Gates internet company in Boston to hack into all the academics.

Its Melinda, not Bill Gates, who is responsible for this carnage.

I asked Bill Gates to compensate me and my family, but I haven’t received any money yet.Otherwise, I would thank him profusely.

To which purpose Raj has just been ( April 2020) awarded a doctorate..That is why Bill Gates’s stock increased in the last two weeks and he jumped back to Number 2 on Bloomberg’s billionaire list, pushing Bernard ARNAULT. to positions three and four.

A doctorate based on other people’s lifetime of work.

Well Dr Raj, you are a walking dead person when the academics you stole from get their hands on you.and when the tax man gets hold of you.

Crime does not pay at all.See..

Julia Robert is also found to be involved with the conniving socialists as well as Brad Pitt..

Well that’s not surprising. If you don’t like money, Julia and Brad, then don’t be surprised when all your money is taken from you. 🙏

These fraudsters are so scared of getting caught that they have hidden money stolen in Bitcoin.

The last time Dr Raj’s net worth was declared on Forbes/Bloomberg’s list of billionaires was in 2014.

Which means he has been stashing his money into Bitcoin since then and avoided paying taxes just like Luthansa.

If you are aware, millions of Jews work in the finance sector, so we will find the money that you stole from us.

You may as well give up the ghost.

For the last few months, since the South African Revenue services discovered that Lufthansa Airlines is responsible For grand theft and larceny via all The network servers along with the socialist trash in the One Organisation, the Cape Town based deeds office and the sheriff’s of the court .are liquidating all businesses and persons that benefitted from money stolen by Lufthansa airlines.

New evidence has been found of several property company. Start ups .which were. Funded with my money,my family’s money and others.

New evidence has also been found of Lufthansa staff stalking myself and my entire family for years.

Thanking all those diligently working on my behalf to return all money stolen from myself and my brothers to ourselves directly.

I am not now or have ever been a freemason.

That means I do not and have never run a fucking charity for anyone.

It also means I am not marrying anyone for money just because you have zero intelligence and stole money..

It especially means that I reject all connections with socialist thieves.

Michelle Ment

Cape Town, South Africa

#dont stand so close to me

Current World Matters


What is really going on?
What is really going on is that Bill Gates has been buying up internet companies which hack everyone’s accounts for information in his quest to undermine all the other major networkers.
His hackers hack through the whole of Israel, South Africa and the USA promoting bullying, extortion and theft, farming(because Gates has stocks in agriculture, viruses (because GATES has stocks in the pharmaceutical industry) and several other people have cloned his behaviour like Angela Merkel and Lufthansa and more

Gates simply uses Facebook to boost his interest in the stock market.

The socialists use Microsoft and Cloudyn and they are expected to pay the money into my bank account and face a jail sentence.

I have never been married, I have full legal capacity, no children and am resident and domiciled in Cape Town, South Africa.

I am not and have never been a freemason and I do not work for anyone what soever.

I have attended 3 Universities and have Mensa Intelligence identified at age 12.

Nor do I owe anyone any favours nor do I owe anyone any money.

I am just wondering whether he or Phil Vallet of Fluxmans started it first.
Bill Gates is an international terrorist and should be stopped.…/microsofts-acquisition-cloud…/…/why-did-microsoft-re…/



From the Nahum Goldman Museum of the Jewish Diaspora: As a Jewish family name,Mentheim can be examined in its two constituent parts,Ment and Heim.The first component,Ment, is probably an abbreviation of MENDEL, a popular given name deriving from the Hebrew Menasse,or Menachem.Menasse was Joseph’s first born son,the grandson of Jacob and father of the Israelite tribe Menasse.Menachem was a KING of ISRAEL in the 8th century B.C.E.As to the second component ,HEIM( German for “home” and a transliteration of the Hebrew word HAYIM- LIFE.

My family is Jewish Royalty.The lost kingdom of Menahem to rise better than before.

The big mistake of King Menahem was to demand from his wealthy to pay the corrupt for freedom. That is Angela Merkel’s big mistake also. That is the mistake of the present South African Regime. It is the mistake of Krafchik’s pseudo democratics. It is the mistake of world politics for the last 30 years. It is the mistake of several law firms.

I can tell you that I had an opportunity to reverse this karma over the last year: I was exposed to tens of people attempting to extort me daily and I scared them all off. I scared all the criminals away without even lifting a hand to them. No one breached my boundaries because I had faith and have faith that all will be well.

And so we learn from history why empires have fallen. Are you getting the message??

After years of enduring the extortion and harassment and fraud of Lufthansa, pressure has been put on the airline. Today, Angela Merkel is a nervous wreck and has been defeated in her own party in the last months.

german chancellor shaking

angela defeated

decline of the german empire

early step down

I have instructed Lufthansa to pay the money they owe me into my First National Bank account.

Tiglath-Pileser III of Assyria began his reign in 745 BC three years before Menahem became king of Israel.

During Menahem’s reign, the Assyrians first entered the kingdom of Israel, and had also invaded Aram Damascus to the north-east: “And Pul, king of the Assyrians, came into the land”. (2 Kings 15:19) The Assyrians may have been invited into Israel by the Assyrian party. Hosea speaks of the two anti-Israelite parties, the Egyptian and Assyrian. (Hosea 7:11)

To maintain independence, Menahem was forced to pay a tribute of a thousand talents of silver (2 Kings 15:19) – which is about 37 tons (about 34 metric tons) of silver. It is now generally accepted that Pul referred to in 2 Kings 15:19 is Tiglath-Pileser III of the cuneiform inscriptions. Pul was probably his personal name and the one that first reached Israel. Tiglath-Pileser records this tribute in one of his inscriptions.

To pay the tribute, Menahem exacted fifty shekels of silver – about 1​1⁄4 pounds or 0.6 kg – from all the mighty men of wealth of the kingdom. (2 Kings 15:20) To collect this amount, there would have had to be at the time some 60,000 “that were mighty and rich” in the kingdom. After receiving the tribute, Tiglath-Pileser returned to Assyria.[6] However, from that time the kingdom of Israel was a tributary of Assyria; and when Pekah some ten years later refused to pay any more tribute, it started a sequence of events which led to the destruction of the kingdom and the deportation of its population.

I am asking President Trump for the death penalty of Warren Krafchik and Marilyn Butler Norris of the Budgeting Partnership in Washington on the grounds of conspiracy to fraud and collusion in slave trafficking and for all the money they stole from me to be returned and deposited into my CAPITEC BANK ACCOUNT immediately.

I have had no relationship with Warren Krafchik ever and have not seen him in over 30 years.His allegations which were repeated by his administrator Marilyn Butler Norris to the United Nations for years is entirely fictitious and an allegation without any substantiation.I have never met Marilyn Butler Norris and nor do I wish to.

All the 209.85 numbers have been traced to Google users in Washington, most notably to Marilyn Butler Norris and her colleagues at the Budgeting Partnership who in collusion with Lufthansa, the Cape Town local and Provisional Governments hacked my entire google accounts and lied about it .

When The Jewish Community of CAPE Town agreed to assist me financially after Krafchik and his retrobate colleagues had plundered my life, the Democratic Alliance under Patricia De Lille( who had been the head of Social Development) sold me multiple times to different NPO’s whereby my finances never improved.

Warren Krafchik has practised socialist behaviour for years which is anti the American Constitution, in conjunction with ANGELA MERKEL, the extorter who seems to think that every non-German must pay her taxes as well.

Merkel is not a socialist as she pretends, but Illuminati and has solicited the support of the Royal British Family for years. The British Royal family has used Lufthansa and its subsidiaries for years on intercontinental European flights.

Well noted is the businesses that(ex) Lufthansa has started in South Africa and elsewhere using money that they have extorted via Google and Facebook.

For staff that earns approximately R10-R15 k per month, there is no way they could afford to start businesses by their own means.

You explain how a load control agent is employed by Global Telesales where Global TELESALES is a company selling tickets on planes for Lufthansa. Note the COST CENTRE is Global Load Control and not Global Telesales.

Are load control agents then “sales people”.No.

Health insurance obtained from First National Bank* Discovery, was obtained fraudulently.

medical insurance for processing visas

Global Load Control was only registered in 2015 and their operations, centres in CAPE Town, Brno, Istanbul all based on fraudulent money and systems.Their legal matters against me fictitious and they are probably culpable of tax evasion for 10 years as well as corruption and fraudulent dealings with health insurance with First National Bank for over ten years.PAY UP THE MONEY , MERKEL.


rom: Michelle Ment []
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2007 1:32 PM
To: ‘Zacharias Changuion’
Cc: ‘’; ‘’; ‘Natalie Scherr’

Dear Zach


I have just been informed, that agents heading for Istanbul to train new staff, for a period of 2 months or more, should only receive the first month of monies+ transport money from you. ( the rest of the money, they will collect from GTS in ISTANBUL, once a month and on a monthly basis.)

This has only just been confirmed between Roswitha Becker and Martin Derr (presently in IST)


The 3 candidates for this IST trip are: Aleksandra Treder

Robert Paduch

Joerg Nederlof


All of these agents should only get the first month’s allowance for Duty Travel + Transport Money from you now, before they leave.

Thank you always for your great effort,

Kind regards,



Michelle Ment
Ground Handling Process Analyst

Global Load Control Cape Town
9th Floor, Picbel Parkade
Strand Street
Cape Town, ZA-8001
Phone:  +27 (0)21 / 415.3811

Fax:    +27 (0)21 / 415.3899

From: Michelle Ment []

Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2007 10:37 AM

To: ‘’

Cc: ‘Natalie Scherr’; ‘’

Subject: RE: Tagegeld f�r IST Support


Dear Martin

 Good Morning, I hope you are well!


I have already briefed Sabine, Marius Rolfes+ Thorsten ( they only come for +- 1 month.)

And all have been told to bring headsets, not to buy shells/ antiques.


Now I must start with the agents who will be coming for 2-3 months.

Question: These agents will only receive 1 month�s Tagesgeld for IST, But where and how do they get the rest of the money in IST, and do they need any special documentation that I may need to prepare from CPT? Or can they use the same DRA everytime?


Best regards, as always,



Michelle Ment

Ground Handling Process Analyst

Global Load Control Cape Town

9th Floor, Picbel Parkade

Strand Street

Cape Town, ZA-8001

Phone:  +27 (0)21 / 415.3811

Fax:    +27 (0)21 / 415.3899



From: []

Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2007 4:10 PM



Subject: RE: Tagegeld f�r IST Support


Lieber Martin,

Danke f�r Deinen Einsatz in dieser Sache, Ich halte das auch f�r besser!

Liebes Evolution Team, bitte ab jetzt umsetzen.




—–Original Message—–


Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2007 12:36 PM


Cc: Simone Brueckner

Subject: Tagegeld f�r IST Support

Hi Ros,

wie gestern schon am Telefon besprochen, hier noch einmal die Randbedingungen f�r die Tagegeldauszahlung vor Ost in IST, damit wir den Aufwand f�r IST GB so gering wie m�glich halten.

-Genehmigter Dienstreiseauftrag

-Nur f�r Agenten deren Aufenthaltsdauer 2 Monate �berschreitet

-Den Agenten wird vor Beginn der Dienstreise das Tagegeld f�r den ersten Monat bereits in CPT ausgezahlt.

-F�r die Monate 2, 3 usw. erfolgt die Tagegeldauszahlung �ber IST GB, jeweils zu Beginn des Monats f�r den laufenden Monat. Bitte beachten: Es erfolgt nun eine Tagegeldauszahlung pro Monat.

Danke und Gr�sse




Martin Derr

Project Manager Global Load ControI IST


Deutsche Lufthansa AG

Department FRA EB/O

B�y�kdere Cad. No. 122

�zsezen Is Merkezi C Blok Kat: 1

34394 Zincirlikuyu – Istanbul

Tel.: +90 / 212 354 6397

Fax: +90 / 212 354 6392

Mobile: +49 151 / 589 30202


klicken, buchen und fliegen


Corporate Headquarters:

Deutsche Lufthansa Aktiengesellschaft, K�ln

Registration: Amtsgericht K�ln HR B 2168

Chairman of the Supervisory Board:

Dipl.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E.h. J�rgen Weber


Executive Board:

Wolfgang Mayrhuber (Vorsitzender/Chairman)

Stephan Gemkow

Stefan Lauer


This matter ,below ,was deliberately ignored and closed down by Magistrate Van Der Spuy who also has no law degree – nor does he have any qualification nor any education and has obviously been paid off by Lufthansa

So, I suppose Trevor Manual”didn’t know”that global Load Control was never registered until 2015.And that his wife,Maria Ramos,of ABSA bank also” didn’t know” that money in her husbands bank,Nedbank, was fraud money.And Cyril Ramaposa of ABSA bank” didn’t know” about it either.Are they all going to be declared ” delinquents”???Or are they going to do the right thing and pay up the money along with Angela Merkel??

Lufthansa /Global Load Control has committed fraud at the expense of all the people above and was sanctioned by the last President to rape South Africa where they are in fact delinquents.Please tell ANGIE MERKEL TO PAY UP THE MONEY, WE ARE NOT WAITING FOR CHRISTMAS


Case No: H547/15

In the Matter Between :





Be Pleased to take Notice that the Respondent hereby requests the following in respect of the
Dismissal of my Application for PROTECTION ORDER as per the Protection from Harassment Act, 2011 handed down by the above honourable court on the 24th July 2015:
1. The facts the judicial officer found to be proved; and
2. The Judicial officer’s reason for Dismissal

Dated at Cape Town on 30 July 2015.

Per: Respondent
8 Prince Court
Prince Street
Cape Town, 8001

The Clerk of the Civil Court
Magistrates Court

This email is intended only for the recipient to which it is addressed and may not be used in any form by anyone for any purposes including legal purposes without my direct and express consent.

Contrary to anyone else’s opinion,in 1984, I was studying at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and was not incarcerated then or at any other time for any alleged crimes overseas. Two women can corroborate this and they are MS Dallia Appleton,a brilliant attorney in the United Kingdom and Lara D’Angeli currently living in Italy.


I am shopping on an account which I earned for myself.

But it is clear that some of “game” staff think they are Angela Merkel, stealing all over the show.They haven’t even charged me for R1458.85 that I spent at Edgars Stores on 11 April, 2019, nor for the R49.99 that I spent on 18 April 2019. They think its their sacred duty to steal from Edgars and defraud people of money and their good name.

This is not acceptable.

you want to bully and threaten people for money you don’t deserve?



The South AFRICAN NPA and the Supreme Court of Appeals are scrutinising the banking accounts and property accounts of each and every Democratic Alliance Member as well as Patricia de Lille and her party’s accounts for money stolen from myself and other tax payers which will be returned to them.

In the last year the rubbish and ignorance of the Democratic Alliance has emerged even in the Cape High Court, whereby Patricia de Lille sued the Democratic Alliance over  a labour matter whose jurisdiction never ever fell in the High Court and whereby Ms De Lille literally begged for reinstatement to her job 3 times, only to be refused.

She has since gone on to slander the Democratic Alliance simply because they refused to allow her reinstatement.

Punching Patricia de Lille’s fight to clear her name – TimesLIVE



May 6, 2018 – Patricia de Lille spoke to the Sunday Times ahead of the announcement … less than a year in the Western Cape executive under premier Helen Zille, … De Lille says: “The way I see it, you win one round and lose one round.
Apr 25, 2018 – CAPE TOWN – Cape Town Mayor Patricia de Lille lost her vote on Wednesday. De Lille … Today, it&39;s me, tomorrow it could be Helen Zille.

Zille says she’s been approached to replace De Lille as Cape Town …



Aug 8, 2018 – “I’m not ruling anything out in the future, but I really do feel that I should consolidate and finish my term properly.” — Western Cape Premier …

Missing: loses ‎| ‎Must include: ‎loses

DA crisis deepens after Patricia de Lille’s court win – BusinessLIVE



Jun 27, 2018 – Cape Town mayor Patricia de Lille celebrates the outcome of the … lost its majority and would have needed to find a coalition partner to hold on …






Warren is not happy that I have opportunities of good fortune:


Fri, Aug 7, 2009, 4:11 AM
to me
Warren sent you a message.

(no subject)

“thanks – good luck with the venture”

To reply to this message, follow the link below:


Warren is a liar:

Warren Krafchik <>
Tue, Jul 20, 2010, 3:38 PM
to me

Hi Michelle:


I am afraid that I have been out of South Africa too long to have any connections to possible employment.


Sorry I cannot help.


I wish you well.


Warren doesn’t like to make big decisions:


Facebook <>
Sat, Apr 25, 2009, 5:32 PM
to me

Warren sent you a message.

(no subject)

“hey michelle – all well here.  just came back from few days work in nyc and off to rio for next week.  blessed with sun at last.  and maybe a little dancing in rio, who knows what that might bring.  election seems to have been smooth.  i am a little relieved at not being able to vote.  this one would have been difficult.  hope your’e well too.  w”

To reply to this message, follow the link below:


I had no contact with Warren Krafchik:he avoided seeing me:


Facebook <>
Tue, Mar 10, 2009, 6:47 PM
to me

Warren sent you a message.

(no subject)

“hi michelle – only have couple days and come down with a lovely cold.  so, i am going to hunker down and look after myself.  sorrry, not this time.  good luck in jhb.  w”

To reply to this message, follow the link below:


Warren Krafchik has been an advisor to the Democratic Alliance and affiliates for years:

Warren Krafchik sent you a message on Facebook…

Inbox x


Sun, Jan 25, 2009, 10:32 PM
to me

Warren sent you a message.

(no subject)

wow – that is some journey.  definately earns a t-shirt.  my truncated version is as follows:  i spend about 7 years at uct studying economics.  ands then lectured macro-economics in the uct economics department for severtal years – can’t quite remember how many.  then travelled for about two years in the u.s. a year in la and a year in ny.

when i came back to sa – i joined idasa – in about 1992.  this was interesting as we started negotiating economic policy for the new government to be and the old government still in power.  i stayed at idasa until 2000 and during this time started experimenting woith the role that citizens/civil society could play in creating and monitoring government tax and expenditure decisions –  playing with different models of accountability.

and this led me to take over a justarting international organization that was helping organizations around the world doing this work.  and now that small org is 20 people with four offices around the world.

i met megan on a plane – we sat next to each other travelling from london to ethiopia about five years ago.  and have been together since.  we gave birth to elsa – a golden retriever – about five months ago.  and the furnitrure has not been the same since!

dc is very pleasant.  but a little conservative.  we will have to see how it changes in obamaland. but, i am almoist ready for a change of scenary.

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