Tell me a story I don’t know already

I am in Room Number 1 in a house in Observatory,Cape Town.Phone number, Cape Town South Africa 0660448269

.I do not work for the One Organisation.They lied for money because they are FRAUD.

And I never stalked or extorted anyone.

As a result of deviants from the Gardens Synogogue at ENSAfrica, who hacked my accounts, money intended for me by Eminem landed up at Jaarn Wool store in Paarl.

So we have the entire Colin Hall, Woolworths gang hacking through the Jews via “pretending to invest” to obtain email addresses.

We have Samantha Pegg hacking the entire Kerzner operation with “health harassment” turning every one into a nutcase.

Then we have ENS Africa hacking through everyone.

Then we have all of Colin Hall’s prostitutes extorting for money.

And we have Roswitha Becker, with her wish for the past, back with Clive Harvey Fox, “Harvey Hoover” vacuum cleaner.

And Ricus van Zyl is not dead.He is busy with Roswitha Becker,with a fake profile.

You see Kerzner was trying to recruit me in 2015.But Van Zyl, the deviant, sabotaged me in order that he would be chosen for the Kerzner group.And so Van Zyl and all his deviants wrecked Kerzner.

I have no relationship with Van Zyl for years.He joined the Good party to gain access to money.His mother extorted a huge sum of money from Sol Kerzner from Durban.Van Zyl and Becker have used the Good Party to go after Brandon Kerzner in the last year’s, resulting in several arrests of Brandon Kerzner due to massive stress in his life.That is what they tried to do to me also.And stole a million Rand from my company, WhiteSlash Pty Ltd as well as my entire recipe collection.

The Sherriff of the Court is currently liquidating all the beggars she threw that money at, in Durban.

Then we have this piece of work Mamosedis who was paid off by staff of Pam Golding to cause damage to myself and my present accommodation.

And we have evidence of Pam Golding hacking through the South African Police and my life and legal matters for years.

And I have read all my mother’s papers and bank statements which are in my possession since her demise on November 30, 2018.