
I am not married to anyone and never was. The win is mine and I decide what to do with it.

As a result of my insistence that Game Stores’ employees harassed extorted and stole my knitwear off my facebook page and sold it behind my back, along with defrauding Edgars Stores, The ten thousand rand account at RCS Stores has been written off and I do not owe them one rand.

Many thanks to the support of South African stores, in the RCS network

I am very pleased with my success and welcome my remuneration!

When you follow the postcards and the correspondence between myself and my mother chronologically, you will understand that my mother never sat at a computer; Janet, ex AIDA PROPERTY COMPANY , run by Milton Kellman, sat at the computer.
My mother never had a computer.

I was given a second hand computer by Caryn Ginsberg and her Israeli boyfriend, Dror who worked in HITECH in Israel,in about 2000/2001.
They did it so that they could hack my emails.
Having emailed my mother; Caryn and her boyfriend, Dror, hacked into AIDA and hacked banks and several companies for money.
They hacked my brother, Jonathan and everyone else and have not ceased for years.
Problems with AIDA and their computers is recorded not only by myself in my postcard and email to my mother, but also by clients of AIDA( Ann Hunt).

Maureen Ginsberg took pains to isolate my mother from my father’s family even after he passed away and isolate my mother from any source of wealth.
The Ginsberg family lied to Milton Kellman and his wife, Louise, of my alleged hacking as well as that of my mother and my brothers because they were promised “a cut ” of money when the inheritance money was paid out in 2001.

Kellman and his wife lied to every property company in Cape Town resulting in me being evicted onto the streets of Cape Town several times and where every property company helped themselves to my personal property.
They clearly assumed /believed that I was sabotaging the wealth and in fear, they decided to “teach me a lesson I would never forget”.

Mark Solomon is listed on the liquidation and distribution account and he made sure I would never get a job at Edward Nathan Sonnenberg and never receive any legal support from them either.He also made sure to make my employment with him as miserable as possible during 2007-2009.

To date they have failed/ and or refused to compensate me monetarily.

The Kellmans also depressed David Selekowitz to the point that David went to his death in 2014, because of Milton Kellman and his wife who wanted their daughter to inherit the entire estate of Judge Selekowitz.

The Kellmans hired an international internet company to hack everyone for money. The money was moved to Australia and the Kellmans later moved there. So actually Kellman lied to everyone and meanwhile he was stealing from everyone and blaming my family.
I have the read the High Court Case about Milton Kellman, his wife and AIDA and I have read the Liquidation and Distribution Account. So I know what I am talking about. This methodology was obviously discussed with a number of people, because they did it to my mother and they have been doing it to myself for years.-deliberately disappointing me and interfering with my law cases and everything else which I find entirely disgusting.

I guess you dont like it when I do it to you, do you???so maybe then you will pay up the money and fuck off. Because I guarantee you I will come after you and this is the warning “shot”.The more you have done it, the more you show yourselves to be puerile and pathetic and so I laugh at you even more.

Caryn Ginsberg and her mother sought to impoverish myself, my mother and my brothers by enlisting the aid of the “socialists” and the property companies of Cape Town to hack into my accounts, my mother’s accounts and my brothers accounts resulting in the death of my elder brother,Perry.
Evidence of Caryn and her brother Dean exist of them freeloading onto my hospitality in order to check out my financial situation and take advantage of it to the max without so much as a thank you.

Later there is record of Dean Ginsberg collaborating with the Kellmans and with Howard Rubenstein to ensure that I would be hounded with false and fake law cases instigated by Roswitha Becker against me where Roswitha Becker is found to to have defrauded SARS, BANKS and the Credit Bureau with a company that was not even registered until 2015 and where Lufthansa Airlines owes the South African Revenue Services over ten years of tax that was not declared.

Then we have record of Caryn Ginsberg with Jonathan Maresky and in London with Jerome Ment and we have record of all the socialist liars affiliated to Maresky.

We have Michelle Snitcher in Ripe network, we have Nicola Galombick’s fraud connected to the Prince Court flat, we have Krafchik who “doesnt know anyone in Cape Town”, (his own mother lives in Cape Town )we have the Penkins involved with Sandak Lewin and lack of patient-client confidentiality and we have Maresky with that 192.68 ip number.

From: Michelle Winkler []
Sent: 12 May 2009 06:13 PM
To: ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘bella levin’; ‘’; ‘’
Subject: FW:

Some poems gracie did this weekend

From: Michelle Winkler []
Sent: 10 May 2009 03:13 PM
To: ‘Gus Ferguson’

Then we have record of Maureen Ginsberg paying duties to every synogogue to get the Rabbis on her side and on the side of her children who have committed conspiracy to murder.

Lastly we have the commissioned document from the Labour Department declaring honestly that no employment is recorded in my name since 2011.

This also negates Dennis Shorkend’s lie that I was receiving charity since 2009 because he in all his illiteracy, considers me as ” a useless human being”.

Well, the Labour attestation will put Dennis Shorkend in jail for perjury in a High Court case.

It also shows that all the credit records showing that I allegedly worked at Lufthansa and elsewhere after 2007 are also perjured records.

Well, guys, here is the warning shot: I have the right to protect my property and my estate and I will break you.
I am not a church. I am not a synogogue,I am not a plant or a spy and I am fed up with all the trash of Cape Town sticking its big nose in my business, in my bank account and in my face.
I am not responsible for your fraud, or your lack of intelligence or your spite or your cruelty.

The latest update shows the gang bang of RAIN, African Rainbow Capital and TYME BANK, where Dr Motsepe Ramaphosa( the wife of President Cyril Ramaphosa) is the sister of Patrice Motsepe of African Rainbow Capital with its allies at RAIN WIRELESS BUSINESS NETWORK WHO HAVE BEEN HACKING THE ENTIRE SOUTH AFRICAN PRIVATE SECTOR.
It should be noted that Patrice Motsepe was colleagues with Benny Schlossberg at Bowman Gillfillan where Schlossberg is Hebrew Order of David.

Apparantly, RAIN, ARC AND TYME BANK are currently attempting to impoverish Ryk Neethling of Val de Vie, who invested in ARC and Tyme Bank.
Apparantly the SOUTH AFRICAN GOVERNMENT is trying to turn the entire private sector into my mother where it can go and claim over TEN YEARS OF UNPAID TAXES FROM FRAUD BITCH MERKEL.
To which purpose, a case has been lodged with the Constitutional Court of South Africa to limit government interference in the private sector and out of our phones.
Apparantly I singlehandedly ruined the profits of PICK N PAY.
I would really like to know how I did it, since I do not spend one rand in Pick n Pay if I can avoid it.

Apparantly Helen Zille is no more.
Apparantly there is a new leader of the Democratic Alliance.

My family has more talent, more brains and more love than most of you put together.

Anyone finding this ip address should know it belongs to the Unity Church:

: delivery via[]:25: 250 2.0.0 OK 1583049870

I am not Kim Kardashian

Isnt it amazing that Lufthansa/Global TELESales filed against me in 2013 where

1)I was not employed by Global Telesales as per my last contract with them in 2007 when I resigned from them.

2)Roswitha Becker never worked for Global Telesales.

3)Global Load Control was not registered until 2015 as per their CK number registered with the CIPC of South AFRICA.



August 6, 1997 — The day Apple and Microsoft made peace

Bill Gates and Steve Jobs came together 21 years ago, when Microsoft agreed to invest $150 million in Apple stock. The deal shocked Apple purists, but it helped put Apple on a firm footing for a few reasons —and made its historic run possible in the second Steve Jobs era.

As of 2019, BlackRock holds 4.81% of Deutsche Bank, making it the single largest shareholder.[36] This investment goes back to at least 2016.[37]


I am not married to anyone and never was.No lawyer or advocate assisted me.

I am not a freemason. I do not owe anyone any money. I do not work for anyone.

I would like the money owing to me paid into my bank account immediately.

I will have to explain that the reason Jesus died and knew on the cross that God had forsaken him already was because he did not do God’s work in healing and uniting everyone.He alienated and condemned the honest wealth and he revelled in misery. He definitely was NOT the Messiah and many agree with me.
So God decided he was a waste of time and allowed him to be crucified on the cross.

By trusting in the false prophet you are doomed forever.

This is why the socialists will never win.
Merkel and her socialist Lufthansa are doomed to fail.
I am not apologizing for my knowledge of these things and I have no guilt either. I am not responsible for your stupidity and your fraud and your corruption and I do not have to put up with it either- Nor should anyone else

And at the ninth hour, Jesus cried out with a loud voice, “Eloi Eloi lama sabachthani?” which means, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” It is the only saying that appears in more than one Gospel, and is a quote from Psalm 22:2. This saying is taken by some as an abandonment of the Son by the Father.




Have you noticed how anyone who stands a chance of becoming famous and successful and who happens to befriend the Kardashian family, gets trashed.

Paris Hilton is born to a tremendously wealthy family, more wealthy and more successful than the Kardashians could ever dream of. The next thing she is friends with Kim and lo and behold- her life becomes a mess with sex tape scandals, drug arrests and more.

Then Zayn Malik the drug addict appears on the scene where Gigi Hadid is building her career. Zayn tries his luck with the Kardashians but they send him onto Gigi Hadid because Kendall Jenner is Gigi’s rival in modelling.

Zayn wastes Gigi’s time with his drug problems and arrests enabling Kendall to rake up US$ 800 K and Gigi’s earning power is not even close to it.

And this was done at the same time that Kardashian made a plea to President Trump to have mercy on someone who had been incarcerated.

I can say it because I dont know these people in person and the Kardashians make anyone sign a confidentiality agreement before they allow themselves to be friends with anyone.So Gigi cant say a word.

My guess is Rick Salomon was paid off by the Kardashians to disgrace Paris Hilton deliberately.

Paris Hilton works hard to make money irrespective of whether she is the best or not.

She has perfume ranges, Skin care ranges,  clothing ranges, works as a DJ in clubs, has great style in clothing and is a trend setter.

My guess is Zayn Malik was paid off to hassle Gigi Hadid.

This is how the freemasons operate- they target awesome people and deliberately set out to upset and humiliate them  and sabotage their careers and their personal lives by setting trash  AND drug addicts onto them.

Ask me, I know, and I havent done a sex tape, havent modelled nude, have not done drugs or alcohol, have a clean record , attended 4 universities worldwide, was a member of MENSA in my youth , and have won 6 law cases on my own, have my knitting style lauded on Ravelry , have my knitted stock selling in 2 retail stores, and not interested in your low life trash and I stand with my immediate family and wish them and myself, massive wealth, success,  happiness,  financial investors, great health and everything awesome in life.

And I do not appreciate all you assholes wasting my time with your agendas and your trash.

I pray President Donald Trump will sort them out.


How many people did Kim use to get famous?

one night in Paris

now the excuse is drugs

17 men kim kardashian has dated

what is next

kardashian has known and used Paris for a long time

Zayn Malik and the Kardashians

Gigi Hadid and Zayn Malik

zayn malik and drugs